Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Electric Woks

An electric wok lets you take delicious stir-fry wherever there's an electrical outlet. Find the wok that's right for you from our Best 5.

Get a Week's Worth of Dinners Out of One Chicken

Save money and eat healthy with this delicious plan for stretching one chicken into a full week of meals.

How to Get a Truly Free Credit Report

If you want a truly free credit report, ignore the clever ads and go straight to the source — where there are no strings attached.

Invest Your Time in These 13 Things While You're in Your 20s

When we're in our 20s we feel possibility ahead of us as nearly infinite. Grasp it by laying the foundation of your future when you're young, smart, and full of health.

4 of the Fastest Ways to Go Broke in Retirement

Retirement should be for relaxing. But if you keep up these four habits, you'll spend your golden years broke.

What It Really Costs to Own a Home

I’m a mortgage-free homeowner but, despite paying off my loan, I still have plenty of expenses associated with owning and maintaining my house.

Comparing Savings Rates: U.S. vs Japan

The savings rate in the United States has increased significantly over the last few months, clearly as a response to our current economic climate. But how does our historical savin

Extra Income Online: 5 Websites That Can Seriously Pad Your Pockets

Boost your bank account with these websites that'll have you earning extra cash in a flash.

Why New Purchases On a Balance Transfer Card Can Cost You

Using your balance transfer card for purchases is typically a bad idea, and for more reasons than one.

6 Easy Ways to Use Technology to Save on Christmas Shopping

Put some of the whiz-bang gadget gifts you received last year to work. That tech can save you big on this year's holiday shopping.

Taco Tuesday: The Inner Mechanics of Budgeting on Vacation

I recently found myself sitting around a dinner table in Hawaii with a number of new traveling acquaintances. We met at the place of accommodation we were staying at, and enjoyed e

4 Retirement "Rules of Thumb" That Actually Work

Take some guesswork out of retirement planning with these four financial rules of thumb. They really do work!

6 Times You Should Never Take a Loan

You need money fast. Or do you? A loan should never be taken lightly and if you're buying something frivolous, or your credit is poor, reconsider.

13 Easy Ways to Save on Your Gym Membership

A gym membership can bulk up the leanest budget, but if you can't break your gym habit, at least take steps to control the cost.

9 Investing Questions You're Too Embarrassed to Ask

Don't let pride get in the way of your financial education. When it comes to your money, it's dumb not to ask the basic questions first!

Saving Money Is Easy If You Set the Right Goals

There's a reason coaches and CEOs look for "goal-oriented" athletes and employees. Goals help us achieve more, whether touchdowns, profits, or savings.

10 Things You Did Wrong at Your Last Job Interview

Have you landed a couple interviews, but never the job? Maybe you're committing one of these common job interview mistakes.

11 Surprising Benefits Of: Chewing Gum

You know chewing gum improves your breath, but it can also improve your teeth, your brain, and much more. Discover how!

The 5 Best Media Streamers

Want to watch your favorite TV shows and movies without needing to pay those high cable bills? These five media streamers let you do that and more.

6 Signs It's Time to Make Your Side Gig Your Career

Your side business is going gang busters, but are you ready to give up your day job? Here's what to ask before striking out on your own.