Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Keys to Creating an Affordable Makeup Kit You'll Love

Anyone can be a frugal beauty maven with the perfect makeup kit. It's easy, and a lot cheaper than you'd think.

How to Save on Babysitting Without Ending Up on the Local News

When babysitting rates hit $14 per hour — per kid! — it's time to think about cheaper (but safe) ways for parents to get stuff done and have fun.

4 Starbucks Drinks You Can Easily Make Yourself

Oh, sure, save $40 a week by cutting back on lattes — but what do you treat yourself with instead? These four great low-lucre libations.

6 Weird Things People Sell for Cash

When the recession began to really hit home, there was plenty of chatter about selling your plasma, undergoing paid medical tests, and even cutting off your lovely locks for a prof

Do You Practice Math When You Leave a Tip?

What kind of tipper are you? Learn about different tipping styles, and see where you fit in.

4 Ways to Fund Your New Business Without Borrowing a Dime

Being your own boss isn't cheap — you'll need cash to get started and to keep going. Here's how to do it without taking on startup debt.

21 Things That Young Adults Absolutely Need to Know About Money

While most colleges and universities offer personal finance courses, only a fraction of students sign up for them. It's time for a cram session.

6 Lessons on Surviving and Thriving Through Tough Times From Author Donna Freedman

Author Donna Freedman imparts her wisdom on how to live your best life on the budget you have in her new book, "Your Playbook For Tough Times, Vol. 2."

8 Times to Avoid Dividend Stocks

Dividends can be a neat way to watch "free money" roll in, but beware. Sometimes you're better off without the cash.

10 Surprising Ways a College Education Will Improve Your Life

You'll spend a lot for a college education — maybe too much. Besides a shot at a job with a decent income, what else are your student loans buying?

3 Reasons the Fed Is Keeping Rates Low (And What It Means for You)

Interest rates are STILL at the historic lows they've been since 2008. Here's why the Federal Reserve is keeping them that way — for now.

How to Trick Yourself Into Better Credit Card Behavior

By making a few key moves before you shop, you can easily trick your brain into better credit card use. Here's how.

Why You Need a Time Budget — and How to Create It

If time is money, wouldn't a budget help you manage your time, too? Of course it would! Get started building your time budget now!

What You Need to Know About the Easiest Way to Save for Retirement

Target-date funds are an easy way to "set and forget" your retirement savings. But they have a few downsides, too.

Cash Might Make You Happier, But Investments Will Make You Richer

Having a lot of cash on hand might put a smile on your face, but if it's long-term wealth you're after, you need to invest.

Metal Detecting for Beginners: Patience and Profit

If you're interested in metal detecting, learn about the costs, concerns, and rewards of the hobby as one enthusiast shares his story.

7 Things You Need to Know About Investing in Company Stock

Your employer is offering you company stock. Is it a good idea to pad your portfolio with it?

How to Not Be a Debt Slave

Getting into debt is easy — even recommended. Getting out of it — or avoiding it — is much more difficult. But it can be done.

What to Do With a Junk Car

Your junk car may not seem like it's worth anything, but there's value in almost everything. Before you drop your car off at the junkyard, consider these uses.

Being Frugal Without Giving Up Your Social Life

Despite what some people think, you don't have to be a hermit to be frugal. Learn how you can have a fun social life AND maintain your budget.