Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Lessons on How to Be a Financial Grownup From Bobbi Rebell

How can you tell when you've become a financial grownup? Author Bobbi Rebell asks icons of the finance world to share their stories.

Book Review: The Road Out of Debt

The classic story of victory over debt is success through work and frugality. But real life is not always so positive, and that's why this book is so useful.

6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation

Go ahead, Google yourself. Whether you like the results or don't, you have to take steps to protect your online rep.

a 3-course meal...from garbage.

Why buy groceries, when you can get your weekly shop for free? Many people do it, but there is a catch. Instead of going in to your supermarket through the front door, you have to go to a different department. The dumpster. [more]

10 Killer Ways to Feel Like a Million Bucks (Even If Your Bank Account Says Otherwise)

There are plenty of studies tying health to wealth (and vice versa), on a national and a personal level. Rest assured, though, this isn't The Secret. Instead, here are some tried a

6 Extreme Job Interview Tactics That Worked

Get up and walk out of a job interview? Sure, that worked and so did these other insane interview tricks. How far will you go for a job?

The 1% Rule and Other Ways to Make Goals Manageable

Big goals are achieved through small changes. How small? Well, forget about 110% — sometimes all you need to give is 1%.

How to Stop the Takeout Meal Cycle and Save

Takeout is tempting, but it's wreaking havoc on your savings. Stop the cycle with some savvy shopping and a little planning.

How to Save 10-20% on Online Purchases, Every Day

You don't have to be an extreme couponer to find great deals online. Learn how to get major discounts on online purchases, every day.

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in July

July is a great month to buy a mattress but not so good for a swimsuit. Find out what else is on sale — and what else definitely isn't.

You Don't Need a Retirement Plan — You Need a Financial Independence Plan

If planning for retirement is your primary financial goal, you may be doing it wrong.

Think Twice Before Ditching Your Current Bank

Choosing quality over customer loyalty can be a big decision when it comes to your bank and personal finance goals. Here are some tips for making the decision to switch.

The 5 Best Cheese Graters

If you want perfectly shredded or grated cheese, you're going to need a proper grater. These cheese graters will make your cheddar so much better.

12 More Grammar Mistakes That Are Making You Look Stupid

Poor word choice and grammar mistakes definitely can make you look stupid. Worse — they can damage your career. Watch out for these common errors.

Best Money Tips: 50 Fast Ways to Make $50

Today we found some great articles on fast ways to make $50, how to indulge without overspending, plus life and money lessons learned from Star Trek.

The 5 Best UPS Backup Batteries

Power surges and outages can zap your sensitive electronics. Keep your gear from getting fried with one of these best five UPS backup batteries.

I Hate My Job! Now What?

You hate your job, but what can you do about it? Learn how to survive at a job you hate, how to get out without hurting your career, and what you can do to not hate your next one.

3 Ways Confidence Makes You Better With Money

They say confidence is key, and your bank account likely won't argue. Go on — hold your head high and claim what's yours.

Market Clones: How to Pay Drastically Less for Pricey Products

Marketers price their products at whatever the market will bear. But if one product is sold in two (or more) markets, one version is almost always cheaper.

From Dumpster Diving to Garage Sales, Turning Trash Into Cash

Learn how one dedicated recycler earned $1,200, paid her tuition, repaired her furniture, and financed her wedding with discarded stuff she found.