Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Screw It, I'm Buying an Air Conditioner

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. In this edition, we'll share with you how to stay cool, quit your job, learn from metaphors, make money from your crafts, and more!

Can Your Spouse be a Dependent on Your Taxes?

We all want a lower tax burden. When your spouse earns much less, you may be tempted to claim them as a dependent. Should You?

50 Smart Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

The average American's tax refund is about $3000. Here are 50 ways to put it to better-than-average use.

8 Signs You Aren't Prepared for an Emergency

You never know when an emergency might arise, and in that case, you need to be prepared. Are you?

8 Ways to Save on a First Date Without Looking Cheap

A first date is all about putting your best foot forward. Impress your intended without breaking your budget with these frugal date ideas.

10 Surprising Ways to Use Bungee Cords

Bungee cords come in many colors and sizes and that means you can be stylish when you're using them for more than tying down loose loads.

6 Tips to Shrink Your Bills Every Year

An annual bill audit can help you ensure that you're not paying for things you don't need. Follow these steps to slash your regular costs.

How to Get More Value Out of American Airlines Miles

Want to squeeze more value out of those American Airlines miles? Here's how to do it right.

The 5 Best iPhone 6 Covers

In order to keep your iPhone in top texting and tweeting condition, you need a phone cover that's durable, like one of these best five choices.

Augment Your Income By Going To Nightclubs

Execution is the key to good business. Money-making ideas are rampant, but it's the people who actually take the time and energy to execute those ideas that are the world's

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/16, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Keeping Graduation Season Frugal! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

50+ Ways to Save Water

Even if you live in a rainy climate, you can do the planet and your pocketbook a favor by conserving water. Here's how.

12 Cheap Home Workout Hacks for People With No Equipment and No Room

No room in the budget for weights, steppers, and resistance bands? Tackle your home workout with these everyday things instead.

Look Waste in the Face (and Save More than Money)

I’m addicted to how-to tips for saving money; Shave a few dollars off any of my enormous utility bills, and my heart belongs to you. Sometimes it takes more than savvy know-how to

How to Understand and Protect Yourself From Inflation

Inflation is inevitable. What you can change, though, is how you deal with it — and these decisions can make or break your financial future.

5 Reasons Not to Apply for a Loan Modification in the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) rolled out last year currently has over 700,000 people in trial modifications and a little over 30,000 in "permanent" modifications.

10 Easy Ways to Supercharge Your Retirement

Retirement safety nets like pensions are fast becoming a thing of the past. Plan your own strategy with these easy tips to supercharge your retirement.

6 Ways to Save Money on iPads, iPhones, and Macs

Want to buy a sleek Mac laptop or a cool iPad but don't want to pay full price? Fear not — there are actually ways to save money on Apple products.

The 5 Best Ways to Spend the Last 10 Minutes of Your Workday

Set the stage for tomorrow by spending a few minutes tidying up your workspace and your task list. Morning you appreciate your thoughtfulness!

Flashback Friday: 52 Things You Need to Know About Hosting on Airbnb

Wanna make some extra cash and host your place on Airbnb? Here's how to do it right.