Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Prevent Plant Theft

Mean-spirited but common, plant thieves will cut your blooms, remove front-stoop pots, or even dig trees up from your yard. Learn how to foil them.

Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes When Moving Across the Country

Before you pile your stuff into that moving truck, make sure you aren't making any of these pricey moving mistakes!

7 Warning Signs You're In Debt Denial

Denial can really throw your life off the rails. Denying your debt can be flat-out financially disastrous.

How to Build Your Own Amortization Schedule

Looking for a dull, but financially eye-opening home project? Great! Today, we're going to build an amortization schedule. [more]

8 Common Car Repair Mistakes That Can Cost You

Squeaky brakes need attention — stat! Delaying car maintenance or repairs is only going to cost you more later. Maybe a lot more.

24 Ways to Have a Blast This Weekend While Spending $0

Weekends are the best part of the week, but usually they cost money. Make this weekend a no spender with one or more of these fun, free activities.

The Fastest Method to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Yes, you can get out of credit card debt — and faster than you think. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll chip away at that financial burden.

8 Things to Consider Before Switching to an Online-Only Bank

Everything is going digital these days, and banks are no exception. But is online-only banking the right move for you?

What Should You Do When a Natural Disaster Spoils Your Travel Plans?

If a natural disaster is threatening your travel plans, it's crucial to know your options. Learn how your trip might be handled — and if you're entitled to a refund.

10 Money Goals All 30-Somethings Should Have

You're not 29 anymore. Do you have your act together, financially?

Healthy, frugal eating

Every so often, I get hit in the face with two facts.  First, Americans (even poor Americans) are unbelievably rich.  Second, Americans (as a group) utterly lack a cultural traditi

12 Preflight Tricks That Make Long Flights Bearable

Before you squeeze into your seat on that long flight, do these things first.

Ask the Readers: When Do You Use Organic?

Tell us about when you use organic and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Store Sales Cycle: Your Monthly Guide to Clearance Prices

From groceries to light bulbs, sales are not random. Every year stores put certain products on sale around the same time. Discover what's cheap when.

How to Keep Student Loans From Wrecking Your Retirement

Young Americans owe thousands in student loan debt. Unfortunately, so do their parents.

5 Things Debt Collectors Don't Want You to Know

Debt collectors sometimes have a few sneaky tricks up their sleeve. Beat them to the punch by knowing your rights.

25 Easy Ways to Make Cheap Cuts of Meat Taste Expensive

Inexpensive cuts of meat don't have to taste cheap. Stretch your budget and eat well, too, with this collection of delicious ways to eat cheap meat.

Ready For Extreme Saving? Money Saving Advice For An Extreme Economy

The question has arisen in our household whether I should be saving more. Should we resort to extreme saving measures during this recession? Should an extreme economy require grea

Tata Nano - Is the world's cheapest car a blessing or a curse?

Today Tata Motors announced that the Tata Nano will be released in India in July, 2009. With a price tag of around $2,000, the Tata Nano is the cheapest car in the entire world.

9 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Robo-Adviser

Robots are taking all the jobs — even the money manager's. Before you let a bot manage your nest egg, make sure it knows what it's doing.