Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Going Off the Grid Is a Lot Harder Than You Think

You may hear folks long for the simpler days of living "off-grid." But it wasn't necessarily that much simpler after all.

The Best Secured Credit Cards that Don’t Require Credit Checks

If you're worried about getting hard inquiries on your credit report for applying for a secured credit card, try these cards that don't require credit checks.

Concession stand treats – a license to print money.

I was at a local fair recently. The kids were hungry, I was thirsty and we all wanted a snack break. But my wife and I knew we’d have to pay the price. At events like these, you’re

5 Ways to Get More Legroom on Your Next Flight — for Free

As airline ticket prices have shrunk, so has the legroom. Use these tips to find more room for your feet (and your stuff) without paying extra.

Getting Rich Slowly: Interview with JD Roth

Get Rich Slowly is one of the most popular personal finance web sites on the internet. JD Roth, the man behind the site, agreed to share some of his fiscal background and financial

15 Cheap, Clever, and Attractive Ways to Save on Gift Wrapping Paper

Save some money on gift wrapping supplies this year by looking beyond the store gift wrap display and dressing your gifts in something out of the ordinary.

12 Things You Need to Stop Doing Today to Be a Better Friend

What do we value most in life? Family and friends. Keep and strengthen those precious bonds by avoiding these common relationship-busters.

The 14 Best Ways to Cut Food Costs While Traveling

Great food is one of the best parts of vacation but the cost adds up. Try a few of these tricks to save some cash on your next travel adventure!

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 3

This is the third in a three-part series about bottled water. To read the first installment, click here. To read the second installment, click here. We’ve talked a bit about bottled water. [more]

Maximize Your Car's Efficiency With 'Hypermiling'

'Hypermiling,' a set of driving techniques for maximizing a car's fuel efficiency, received a lot of attention this summer. However, the idea of driving 50 mph, rolling

Prepaid Gift Cards for Modern Envelope Budgeting

Interested in budgeting your money but don't want to carry loads of cash? Enter in the modern equivalent using Gift Check Cards or Preloaded Student cards.

Why I Still Write Paper Checks

I know people who never write checks, but I'm not one of them. Here's why.

21 Frugal Ways to Reward Yourself Right Now

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But what about you? Reward yourself with these easy, cheap, and relaxing activities.

9 Things You Should Always Carry on an Economy Flight

You can make even the stingiest of economy flights comfortable and relaxing with a few carryons. Please enjoy your flight!

7 Modern Reasons to Visit Your Local Library Today

The library isn't just a building full of old books. You can have a whole lotta fun there — for free!

11 Ways Freelancers and Telecommuters Can Make Friends and Network

Working from home has its perks, but let's face facts — it gets a bit lonesome.

How to Sell Your Old Stuff on Facebook

Forget eBay and Craigslist — Facebook has everything you need to make some extra cash selling stuff online.

10 Homemade Liqueurs to Bottle for Tasty Gifts

Homemade liqueurs and infused alcohols are easy to make and are always welcome gifts around the holidays. Here are 10 great ones you have to try.

Should You Become a Landlord Instead of Selling Your Home?

With the housing market still in the dumps, many of us have become "accidental landlords." Should you join us?

9 Easy Mason Jar Gifts You Can Make

You don't have to bust the budget to be a generous gift giver. Whether you're crafty or culinary, a cute mason jar surprise is always welcome.