Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

When Should You Say No to Those Who Want to Borrow Money from You?

I think most of us have been asked to lend money to someone we know. No matter how close you are with the potential borrower, there are certain situations when you just have to sa

7 Starbucks Savings Hacks That Actually Work

We love to hate (or hate to love?) Starbucks and their exorbitant prices. These clever little tricks can shave dollars off your coffee tab.

8 Fun and Cheap Things to Do During the Weekday

It can be hard to find off-time entertainment when you don't work a regular 9 to 5, but this list proves that there are great frugal things to do at any time of day.

This Is When It Pays to Stay Loyal to a Rewards Credit Card

Staying loyal to a particular rewards credit card can be risky, but it can also pay off if you know how to play the game. This is how to win.

Capital One: What’s In Your Envelope?

Just when I thought credit card companies couldn’t get any more wasteful, I received the mother of all credit card offers in the mail. Excited by what I thought was something wort

56 Life Hacks to Help You Win at Winter

Baby, it's cold outside. Make getting through winter a little tamer with this collection of warm-ups, icebreakers, and assorted wintry hacks.

10 Frugal Ways to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

This winter, stay warm and toasty on the cheap with these fast, frugal, and easy ways to winterize your home.

7 Ways Millennials Are Better With Money Than You Are

Millennials are getting smart about their spending and saving habits — smarter, even, than you.

Retirement Planning If You’re Under 30

For those of us in our 20s, managing our finances is stressful enough, and saving for retirement can seem impossible. But you CAN make it happen — here's how.

The 5 Best Paper Napkins

Cleaning messes up quickly isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these paper napkins and spills will always disappear immediately.

How One Nice Thing Can Ruin Your Whole Budget

This is precisely why we can't have nice things.

6 Options if You're Underwater on Your Mortgage

Here are six options for people who are underwater on their mortgages.

To Buy or Not to Buy? Criteria for Thrift-Store Clothes Shopping

Do you enjoy thrift-store shopping? Here are tips for what to buy, and what NOT to.

6 Great Places to Get Free Tax Advice

Confused by taxes? Now you can get free professional help from a variety of surprising sources.

4 Cheap, Easy Ways to Invest Your First $1000

Investing is only for the wealthy, right? With even modest sums put aside, anyone can start building an investment portfolio — and it's easy, too.

7 Retailers With the Absolute Best Customer Service

These retailers may have higher prices, but their above-and-beyond customer service just might make paying the premium worth it.

6 Credit Card Mistakes That Could Be Ruining Your Credit

Your credit score is vital to your financial health. Don't let these common credit card errors tank it.

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 3

This is the third in a three-part series about bottled water. To read the first installment, click here. To read the second installment, click here. We’ve talked a bit about bottled water. [more]

Why I Still Write Paper Checks

I know people who never write checks, but I'm not one of them. Here's why.

How Much Does Your Credit Card Debt Cost You?

Only having to pay 2% of your total credit-card balance a month makes charging tempting...but with interest, you could also pay more than double your original purchase price.