Saving money is hard when your income isn't consistent. Use some of these strategies, and see your savings grow even when your paychecks aren't regular.
In an effort to fix the credit crunch, the American Recovery Reinvestment Act authorized $730 million in funding for the SBA. Only one problem: There may not be a small business
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Should a Second Marriage Be Celebrated (and Paid for) Like the First?
People spend a lot of money to make their weddings once-in-a-lifetime experiences. So what do you do if you have a second one?
Peak Debt and Income
When stimulating the economy, is it better to invest in the rich or the poor? Learn whether supply- or demand-side techniques are best.
5 Financial Obstacles That Are Especially Tough for Women
For a few reasons — some unfair — women face obstacles to money that men do not. Learn about those obstacles — and learn how to overcome them.
How to Have a Fun Family Road Trip Without Breaking Your Budget
You've got your summer family road trip mapped out — just don't let on the road budget busters ruin your fun.
5 Tried-and-True Strategies for Saving When Your Income Isn't Consistent
Saving money is hard when your income isn't consistent. Use some of these strategies, and see your savings grow even when your paychecks aren't regular.
Excel: The Most Underrated Software You Already Own
Want to save yourself hours of mindless work and look really smart at your job? Then you need to learn how to use Excel.
15 Genius Kitchen Storage Solutions
You don't need a renovation to get more storage space in your kitchen — you only need inspiration. Get some with these clever kitchen storage ideas.
6 Signs You're Making All the Right Money Moves
Ever wonder if you're on the financial straight and narrow? If these signs all point to you, you are!
7 Ways to Boost Your Finances While You Sleep
Making a little extra money isn't too hard. In fact, you may not even need to get out of bed.
The Credit Crunch Myth: You Can't Fix What Ain't Broke
In an effort to fix the credit crunch, the American Recovery Reinvestment Act authorized $730 million in funding for the SBA. Only one problem: There may not be a small business
Do Fools Rush in where Angels Fear to Tread?
With new business starts at an all time high, you'd think shopping for good investments would be easier. But private investors aren't going there.
A Slacker's Video Guide on How to Tie Ties
Every man should know how to change a tire and tie a tie. These video tutorials will make you the master of at least one of those things.
Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Relieve Tiredness
Today we found some great articles on natural ways to relieve tiredness, the most expensive coffees in the world, and travel tips from the experts.
How to Get Into a Good School District for Less
You don't have to buy an extremely expensive house to get your child into a good school. Here are some other approaches to consider.
5 Ways Carry-On Luggage Can Save You Time and Money
Airline travel is not much fun, so it makes sense to reduce the burden by packing less and not checking bags. You'll save time, money, and hassle.
11 Ways to Get the Most Value From Your All-Inclusive Vacation
You've paid for your trip, and now everything feels free. Make sure you take full advantage of that while you can.
Best Money Tips: Save Money While You Sleep
Today we found some great articles on saving money while you sleep, strategies to pay for college, and how to afford gourmet food every day.
9 Ways to Get Over Your Post-Vacation Blues
What's the worst thing about vacation? Going back to work. Here's how to ease back into it.
Getting Whole-Grain Nutrition
Whole grain? Whole wheat? Enriched? While they might all sound nutritious, they're far from equal. Learn how to get the most from your grains.
8 Invitations to an IRS Tax Audit
Don't let your tax return send up a red flag to the IRS; avoid these common reasons for an audit.