Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 Fun, Frugal Things to Do Tonight Besides Watch TV

Get up offa that couch, switch off the TV, and spend some quality time tonight with your family or your finances or your favorite loyal friend.

4 Times You Should Splurge and Hire a Pro

You probably already hire a pro when it comes to plumbing and dentistry. Here are four common DIY tasks you probably should hire out for, too.

Gas Prices Begin a Rebound: 5 Things to Know Now Before You Buy Your Next Car

Gas is up nearly 30 cents from a month ago, so fill up on information about how that rebound could affect your bank account.

$6500 repair bill to remove a stone from a moon roof

How many times have you felt like someone was ripping you off? Hopefully, you can trust your gut instincts, just like the guy in this video below. You can watch the full 7 minutes for yourself, but the basic story is this. [more]

How to Make Money Like the Guys on "American Pickers"

Fascinated by Mike and Frank's adventures finding and reselling items? Amazed at their profits? Learn a few rules of the picking road, and give it a try.

7 Ways to Get the Best Fall and Holiday Travel Deals

This year especially, traveling will be easier on the wallet. If you're planning to get away in the next few months, here are some tips to get the best travel deals.

The 10 Worst Tax Moves You Can Make

Tax time is coming up as fast as the holidays are. Have you been naughty or nice?

6 Unique Ways to Eat Watermelon

You’ll be surprised at these unique recipes, tips, and delights inspired by the watermelon.

8 Essential Pieces for Your Capsule Wardrobe

Lucky day! Capsule wardrobes are on trend again, which is great for closets and budgets. Start stocking your minimal collection with these smart basics.

10 Genius Storage Solutions for Your Home Office

An untended home office can become a chaos of clutter and broken dreams. Keep your space tidy and your career on the march with some smart storage.

6 Passé Slang Terms You Need to Stop Using Today

Stop trying to make "fetch" happen — or any of these other horribly flat and stale slang terms. Is your diction dating you?

Should You Go on Vacation While You're in Debt?

Vacation is usually the first thing to go when tackling debt. But it doesn't have to be.

8 Steps to Budget Mastery in 20 Minutes a Month

All it takes is 20 minutes a month to be a total money master. Try this method and budget like a boss.

Even More Black Friday Savings Tips From Shopping Experts

This year, you can have your sanest, safest, and most money-saving Black Friday ever — just follow these tips from deal-finding experts.

From Fine to Fabulous: 7 Ways to Improve Your eBay Business

Online auction site eBay has matured, but it's still a great way for savvy sellers to earn extra income. Take advantage of the site with these seven tips.

Build a Bed for Cheap (and Look Good Doing It)

Without a doubt, there are some components to today's beds that are just unnecessary, but I think that most can agree on the core parts of a functioning bed.

Your Sleeping Position May Be Hurting You

If you feel like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, it might actually be because you slept on the wrong side of you.

20 Gift Ideas for Your Co-Workers

Bonus or no bonus, the gifts in this guide to giving to co-workers won't break your holiday budget.

13 Crucial Social Security Terms Everyone Needs to Know

Most Americans depend on Social Security in retirement. That's why it's critical to know these 13 Social Security terms.

Buy. Sell. Make a Profit. Thanks Office Depot.

I've finally found a store that, regular as clockwork, puts great items on sale. And when I say sale, I don't mean 20% off, or even 50% off. I'm talking about 75%-90% off. The