Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Cheap Ways to Get These 8 Expensive Indulgences

Caviar taste on a fishsticks budget? We'll tell you how you can enjoy the caviar — and some other indulgent treats — for far less than you expect.

How to Avoid International Baggage Fees

New Basic Economy fares don't usually include free checked bags. Learn how to get you and your stuff where you're going without paying extra.

And...Breathe: Become More Patient in 9 Easy Steps

In a world of cell phones and instant downloads, being patient isn't just a virtue — it's downright difficult. Take a deep breath and follow these steps.

How to travel to and from Canada

Getting to and from Canada is getting to be a real pain in the ass. [more]

Personal Financial Advisors awaiting your call

Financial advice is everywhere (even here at from the bank teller to a wealth manager who wants to dispense planning advice, manage your investment portfolio, an

9 Things Successful 30-Somethings Do

Forget the material things. These habits of successful 30-somethings lead to fulfilling, happy, and lucrative lives.

The Five Stages of Not Shopping

When people see us make a lifestyle change — even a positive one like frugality — their responses often resemble the Five Stages of Grief.

Zen Spring Cleaning (and making a little cash off it too)

The snow has melted. The kids are gone to grandma's. Sounds like the best (and most frugal) thing to do this April would be to stay home and clean, organize, and sell all that

Is Social Security Just A Grand Ponzi Scheme?

I received my Social Security statement this week and it was a useless piece of paper to me since I do not qualify for retirement benefits yet. I always hear critics of Social Sec

10 Cheap and Easy Meals That Make Even Better Leftovers

Just like a fine wine, some leftover foods get better with age. Nosh on these easy meals the next day for optimal deliciousness.

The 6 Best Lawn Mowers

That grass isn't going to cut itself — get the job done with one of these recommended machines.

5 Incredible World Cities You Can Afford

You don't need a zillion dollars to live the life of an ex-pat — just choose one of these picturesque and charming cities.

Want to Cut Costs? Get Yourself a Frugal Filter (or Two)

If you follow this simple process, you'll be happier with your financial choices — and your life.

Optimize Your IRA and 401(k)

Your IRA and 401(k) (or 403(b) if you work for a non-profit) are great tools for deferring taxes, and have other advantages as well. But because they're labeled "retirement" accou

How to Explore Your Antique Attic Treasures for Profit

Supplemental income can be as close as your attic or your basement. Start learning about the items in your house that can bring in some extra cash. Antiques are a big business but

8 Ways Retailers Use Big Data to Track You

Big brother knows a lot about how you shop.

This Is the Basic Intro to Having a Retirement Fund That Everyone Needs to Read

If it wasn't important, we wouldn't keep saying it: Start a retirement account ASAP! Here's how.

Best Money Tips: Choosing the Right Credit Card

Today we found some great articles on choosing the right credit card, how to become a millionaire, and ways to save money without even trying.

6 Times When It's Okay to Drop Insurance

Are you paying too much for peace of mind? In some cases, it might make sense to reduce your insurance coverage — or drop it altogether.

24 Easy to Make Grab and Go Snacks

Quell a case of the munchies without sabotaging your diet. These healthy, sweet, and savory snacks are perfect to grab and go.