Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

11 Life Skills That Are Now Completely Obsolete

Oh, how the times have changed — and not always for the better. Today's tech has all but rendered these once-crucial life skills obsolete.

6 Cheap Date Ideas for Nature Lovers

You don't have to spend your entire paycheck to have a romantic evening out. Just venture out into the great outdoors!

6 Surprising Ways a Houseplant Can Save You Money

A little greenery can go a long way! Add a houseplant or two, and you might be surprised at the savings.

Are your new tires really 6-year old ticking time-bombs?

Check the tires on your car. How do they look? Plenty of tread, no bald spots, no wear and tear? If that’s the case, you’ve probably got a great set of tires with years of life lef

How Bond Prices and Yields Work

Thinking of adding some government bonds to your portfolio? First, let's take a closer look at how they work.

The Store Sales Cycle: Your Monthly Guide to Clearance Prices

From groceries to light bulbs, sales are not random. Every year stores put certain products on sale around the same time. Discover what's cheap when.

40 Rice Cake Topping Ideas

Rice cakes are low cost, low calorie, and largely low flavor. Dress them up with responsible-sized helpings of these delicious toppings.

7 Reasons You're Never Too Old to Buy Stocks

You'll outgrow a lot of things as you age. Stocks won't be one of them.

7 Certifications That Add Big $$ to Your Salary

Expand your skills and education without stepping foot in a classroom. These seven certifications will help you score the big bucks!

The 5 Best Glass Cleaners

Keeping your windows clean and clear isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these window cleaners and your glass windows will sparkle.

How One Mediocre Investor Prospered After the Market Crash

A mediocre portfolio held up pretty well through the financial crisis — and has even done pretty great in the aftermath. Learn how.

Beat the claw machine, save your sanity.

How many times have you passed one of these annoying things and thrown 50 cents away? I'm hugely guilty of it. I can't resist them. One time I got six out in a row, then I've gone years with no success. Is there a secret? Well, it seems there is. [more]

4 Affordable Destinations That Are Safer Than You Think

These four international destinations have dark reputations, but these days they're relatively safe, and absolutely affordable.

How to Sell All Your Stuff and Travel the World

Dreaming of getting rid of everything you own and becoming a globe-trotter? This is how you can actually make it happen.

6 Safe Places to Visit in South America

These South American destinations are beautiful, affordable, and safer to visit than you might think.

6 Ways My Family Scores Free Travel With Credit Cards

Want to travel the world for free? Take advantage of my insider tips that took me years to learn!

22 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

Most of us know that soda isn't good for us, but that doesn't mean we stop drinking it. Here are 22 financial, health, and other reasons to kick the habit.

6 Affordable Kid-Free Vacation Ideas

You've earned some time away from the kiddos. These trips will let you enjoy some kid-free time without breaking the bank.

6 Times You Should Insure Your Side Gig

A side gig is an great way to bring in extra income. But if you're not insuring your little business, you risk losing it all.

How Travel Rewards Cards Can Help You Score Luxury Travel Perks

Sure, travel rewards cards can help you see the world for free, but use your points right and you can do it in extreme comfort and luxury, too.