Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

A Step-by-Step Guide for When Friends Ask for Help Being Frugal

One writer shares his five-step plan for helping friends who want to be frugal, so you can use it for your friends, too — or yourself.

Best Money Tips: Things Teens Should Do With Their Money

Today we found some awesome articles on things teens should do with their money, keeping your receipts in order, and planning for a new financial paradigm.

Ask The Readers: What Is The Worst Purchase You Ever Made?

Tell us about your worst purchase we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What's on Your Holiday Wish List?

Tell us what is on your holiday wish list and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A Little Light in Dark Financial Times

I have more vehicle repairs to make than I have days in a year. My sink is clogged, and I’m bailing out water with buckets. Diapers just went up another 15% in my area. (And gue

Make Your Food Taste Better With Rituals

A new study shows that performing a ritual before you eat or drink can enhance the food's flavor and your satisfaction.

Best Money Tips: Stop Throwing Away These Food Parts

Today we found helpful articles on food parts you should stop throwing away, how to create the perfect household budget, and tea hacks that will change your life.

Buy a Car With the Money You Save by Shaving Smarter

With a switch to a safety razor, most men could trim enough from their budgets to eventually buy a modestly priced car. (And look better while striking the deal.)

How to Build Your Own Trigger for Happiness

What would you say if I told you that you could build a button that, at a push, instantly floods you with the feelings of your choice? I'll show you how.

New Credit Card Legislation Buzz: An Interview with Wall Street Journal’s Mary Pilon

The AP just announced that new credit card rules have passed legislation and are headed to President Obama for final approval. Much speculation can be made on how this new set of

4 Lies You Shouldn't Tell Your Interviewer

You might be tempted to fudge the truth a little when you're interviewing for a job — but these little lies could get you in big trouble.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money With a Super Busy Schedule

Today we found articles on ways to save money when you have a very busy schedule, things you shouldn't do on social media, and a DIY dry carpet cleaner to freshen your rugs.

Ask the Readers: Who is Your Online Personal Finance/Frugality Hero? (A Chance to Win $10!)

Is there an online blogger, columnist, or personality who has really inspired you to take charge of your finances? Do you secretly hope to meet a big-name PF writer some day? Is

20 Delicious, Healthier Appetizers

Satisfy your cocktail party guests' appetites with these flavorful and delicious bites that won't leave them wondering about their waistlines later.

Best Money Tips: Fun Breakfast Ideas for Busy Mornings

Today we found some amazing articles on breakfast ideas for busy mornings, money-saving beauty tisp, and slashing your cell phone bill.

Coming Soon: Good Times for Temp Workers

During a recession is the worst time to be a temp -- whatever work companies have will go to employees, as a way to avoid having to lay them off. Another bad time is middle of a re

Best Money Tips: Don't Buy These 15 Things During the Holidays

Today we found articles on the worst things to buy during the holidays, travel tips for germaphobes, and simple ways to celebrate Veteran’s Day.

New Credit Card Rules: Who Really Benefits?

Credit card industry reform may have good intentions, but will these rules encourage the same behavior that made reform necessary in the first place?

Best Money Tips: Free Things You Can Do This Summer

Today we found some awesome articles on free things you can do this summer, saving money at home, and managing your fear of money.

Best Money Tips: Unusual Ways to Make Extra Money

Today we found some great articles on unusual ways to make money, maximizing a small home or apartment, and conversations when caring for elderly parents.