Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: How to Handle Surprise Medical Bills

Today we found articles on how to handle surprise medical bills, tips for saving money at the farmers market, and jobs that will satisfy your wanderlust.

The Secret of My Success

Why is it that a few people “get all the breaks” while most seem to be starring in their own version of “Groundhog Day” for the better part of their lives: renting themsel

Get Paid for your Psychic Skills at Predictify

My ex-coworker told me that he is applying to a new startup called Predictify. He showed me their website and I was intrigued. Basically, the company lets people predict events t

Ask the Readers: Do You Schedule "Me" Time?

Tell us whether you schedule "me" time and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Become a Producer to Put Your Consumption in Perspective

The gap between making and consuming keeps widening, but making more of what you consume can lead to a richer life.

Here's What Happens to a Mortgage in a Divorce

Divorce is messy. And step one is figuring out how to split ways with your biggest shared asset; your home.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Do to Recharge?

Tell us what you do to recharge and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Family Businesses - The World's Second Oldest Business Model

Family Businesses... when your CEO is the brother Mom always loved best! Family businesses are the backbone of the American economy, but they also face special challenges. Lea

Ask the Readers: What Was Your Best Investment in 2017?

Tell us about your best investment in 2017 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Could the last person to leave America please turn out the light.

I don’t know about you, but I’m more than a little worried by recent economic events. First Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, then Lehman Brothers, and now an $85 billion loan to AIG. So

What will you do when gas drops below $1.50 a gallon?

Several months ago, I wrote an article asking what you would do when gas prices skyrocketed. Now, the price of gasoline is in freefall. It’s already dipped below $2/gallon in some

The High Cost of Music

I’m all for the arts. I try to encourage my kids to express themselves: I hang all their “masterpieces” on the fridge, I listen to their kazoo solos, and I even let them play with

8 Moves to Make If You Need to Break Your Lease

No one ever thinks they'll need to break their lease — but things happen. Avoid legal — and financial — pitfalls by handling it smartly.

A New Bank On The Block: Fee Free Banking with Simple

If you're looking for a great online bank with loads of tools and services and zero fees, check out the new bank in town: Simple.

7 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Your First House

Buying a house? Before you rush in, review this list for first-time buyers.

17 Creative Things to Do with Phone Books

More than half a BILLION phone books are printed and distributed every year in the U.S., which is nearly two books for every American. That consumes about 19 million trees. Here

Flashback Friday: 47 Best Back-to-School Shopping Hacks Ever

Back-to-school shopping doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Just use these tips and save Big.

Best Money Tip: 41 Financial Calculators for Major Life Decisions

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. If you've ever wanted to make a million bucks from eating lunch, learn how to raise a $221,000 baby, or cook over 4 dozen differ

Best Money Tips: Ways to Live a Life With No Regrets

Today we found some awesome articles on living a life with no regrets, cutting your own hair, and tasks you shouldn't put on the backburner.

Simple Tax Strategies to Maximize Your Tax Refund

We’re nearing the thick of tax time, and I’m sure the first thing on your mind (I know it’s on mine) is “how much money am I getting back?” and “what am I going to use the money fo