Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Find Good Cheap Hotels

Today we found some great articles on where to find good cheap hotels, how to avoid expensive car maintenance, and ways to improve your credit score.

Flashback Friday: 43 Genius Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

Back-to-school shopping has officially begun! And there are plenty of ways you can save big.

The Ups and Downs of Venture Capital

First quarter 2010 numbers are in, and Venture Capital investment in both dollars and deals were down. The good news, if you can call it that, is that it's better than Q1 2009.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Dining Out Tips

Today we found some great articles on frugal dining out tips, free things to do this summer, and financial advisor red flags.

Does Your Entity Choice Provide Personal Liability Protection?

Making your business a corporation or LLC only goes so far in protecting an owner's personal assets. Discover what you're responsible for.

Best Money Tips: Gym Membership Alternatives

Today we found some awesome articles on alternatives to gym membership, convincing your partner to save money, and things to buy in August.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money on Your Wedding Ring

Today we found articles on simple ways to save money on your wedding ring, tips for a safe and spooky Halloween, and creative ideas for repurposing old sweaters.

Free Advertising: The Magic of Getting Media Attention

Think your business is too boring to snag journalists with a press release? Nope. With a little creativity, any business can get free advertising through PR.

5 Ways to Earn More Every Week

Pursue a few modest sales and marketing efforts each week and by year's end you'll enjoy a healthier bottom line.

Unconventional Measures of Customer Service Excellence

Your customer service surveys and questionnaires may not be telling you what you need to know.

How To Put An End To Cash Flow Surprises

You can't predict the future. Or can you?

Fundamentals of Online Advertising

Online advertising is much cheaper than print advertising. But to get results, you've got to find your audience and test your pitch.

Best Money Tips: 10 Ways Being Frugal Can Cost You

Today we found some great articles on the ways that being frugal can cost you, overpriced grocery items you should skip, and the questions you should never ask during small talk.

Haircuts to Dentistry and More: Get Low-Cost Services From Students

Want to spend less on haircuts, massages, car repairs, or even dentistry? You can. Just visit a training school.

10 Halloween Costumes Not To Wear To The Office

If your zombie costume bears too much resemblance to your boss, you may be shambling home early.

Best Money Tips: Improve Your 2018 Finances in 5 Quick Steps

Today we found articles on quick ways to improve your finances in 2018, rules for an affordable New Year’s Eve party, and strategies to keep your resolutions going.

Eating Vegan on the Cheap

People often assume — incorrectly — that making vegan meals means a big jump in grocery costs. Find out how to go vegan and save.

Last Minute Tax-Filing? Extended Post Office Hours and More

Isn't it weird that there isn't a central list of post offices at, oh I don't know, say,, that tells you which post office branches are going to be open late tonight for last-minute filers? [more]

Best Money Tips: Slash Prom Costs

Today we found some great articles on slashing prom costs, trimming your entertainment budget, and cheap foods that may build a better brain.

This guy has the best job EVER!

While surfing the web for some research on a "serious" Wisbread article (to be published soon), I ran across this guy. His "job" is to visit Irish pubs. All. Year. Long. [more]