Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Going Green: How to Live a (Nearly) Cash-Only Life

Whether you have a problem with credit-card debt or just want a new way to budget, it might be time to go for the green.

Is There Such Thing as a Messy Millionaire?

My favorite lesbian: I recently purchased Suze Orman's latest book (at Costco, for $10 off of the retail price), "Women & Money". [more]

Which store-bought stain remover works best?

This is the first in what will be an ongoing series of blogs, subtitled "Andrea shamelessly promotes cute guys who make videos about vaguely interesting topics." Now, I know that o

9 Money Lessons to Take From the Great Depression

The Depression was a dark time in America's history, but it did yield some incredible tips for surviving on a budget and saving money.

Buying a House? Here's Where to Keep Your Down Payment

When you're saving for a house in the near future, it's the return of the money, not the return on the money, that matters most.

5 School Lunches That Will Make Your Kid Smarter

Skip the sugary snacks and soft drinks. Give your kids a mid-day brain boost with these nutritious — and delicious — school lunches.

7 Monthly Expenses We Don't Realize We Don't Need

When you put together a frugal budget, you are usually careful to make sure you're not spending money where you don't need to. But are you getting rai

You're a Chump if you Pay Full Price for That

Couponing and bargain shopping are not for everyone. It takes some time to clip the coupons, organize them, and keep track of sales at all of your favorite stores. But since I'

Best Money Tips: How to Protect Yourself After the Equifax Breach

Today we found articles on what you can do after the Equifax hack, strategies for mastering new skills, and how to prevent flood-damaged clothes from getting mildew.

Stuck at the Airport? Relax With These 14 Easy Self-Care Tricks

Being stuck at the airport is no fun, but these self-care moves will keep the stress at bay.

Telemarketers Prank Call Me - 800-266-9420

Constant calls from 800-266-9420? Fight back.

Actually Get Things Done: Creating a Reasonable To-Do List

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by a to-do list that seems to go on forever. Reclaim your productivity with these suggestions.

5 Wise Uses for Milk of Magnesia

Milk of magnesia is often used to treat tummy troubles. Discover other savvy uses for the stuff, from skincare to odor control.

How to Save Big on Last-Minute Travel

The early bird always gets the worm, right? Wrong! There are plenty of ways to save big on last-minute travel.

The 5 Best Mouthwashes

Keeping your breath fresh and clean isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these mouthwashes and your mouth will stay clean and healthy.

The 5 Best Smart Alarm Clocks

Getting out of bed in the morning isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these smart alarm clocks and waking up will be a piece of cake.

This One Mental Bias Is Harming Your Investments

The biggest threat to your investments isn't a market downturn — it's your own brain.

15 Quick Clothing and Shoe Repair Fixes You Should Own

Run in your stockings? Zipper won't budge? Don't miss a beat with these 15 quick clothing and shoe fixes.

12 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Workouts

You really meant to do your workout today, but… Replace those I-meant-tos with actual workouts with some simple, effective motivators.

6 Important Credit Card Lessons Your Parents Didn't Teach You

Chances are, your parents didn't pass down these sage pearls of credit card wisdom. It's never too late to learn new credit card tricks.