Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Save More by Avoiding Multiple Bank Accounts

Have you been using multiple accounts to save for multiple goals? New research suggests a simpler system might lead to more saving.

16 Simple Kitchen Skills Every Frugal Person Should Master

Mastering these core kitchen skills will have you eating better, saving time, and sticking to your budget. They're easy to learn, too!

Flashback Friday: 62 Ways Introverts Tend to Win at Life

Introverts might seem like underdogs, but while the extroverts are busy soaking up the spotlight, it's those watchful wallflowers who are winning — quietly.

How to Stay Focused at Work Despite Your Chatty Coworkers

Believe it or not, you can sidestep your distracting coworkers without actually telling them to zip it. Here's how to walk that line.

5 Ways to Build Business Credit When You're Self-Employed

If you're self-employed, you have two credit scores to worry about: Yours, and your business's.

8 Necessities That Will Be Cheaper in 2016

2015 was a great year — and 2016 looks even better. These eight buys will be cheaper in the New Year.

403B vs. 401K: How Are They Different?

Sure, you know what a 401K is, but what the heck is a 403B? Here's how they differ.

It's Sew Easy to Save

Always wanted to learn to sew? Now is the perfect time. It's simple to get started and can save you money, too. Here are some tips for savvy sewing and some easy projects to help y

10 Ways to Keep Your Laptop Safe When Traveling

Your laptop probably holds more critical personal data than anything else you own. Learn how to keep it safe and sound, especially when you're on the road.

7 Ways Your Bartender Is Ripping You Off

Before you hit the bars and clubs, make sure you know some of the ways you can get shortchanged by the bartender.

5 Simple Ways to Boost an Underperforming 401(k)

For most of us, a 401(k) is our primary retirement savings vehicle. Don't undercut your earnings by allowing your 401(k) to fall behind.

Make 5 cheap ‘greeting cards’ that blow Hallmark away.

Before I share with you my 5 great ways to make outstanding greeting cards, I'd like to rant about the four issues I have with store-bought greeting cards, like those produced by H

5 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill

If you're like me, a trip to the store for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk can easily run $30 to $40 bucks. Has inflation just really gone up in my neck of the woods? No... I j

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Buy a House (Yet)

You dream of kissing the renters' life goodbye, but not so fast. You might not be ready to be a homeowner just yet.

How to Spot a Charity Scam From a Mile Away

Don't let your charitable donation go toward funding a crooked cause.

8 Ways to Spend Your Last-Minute Health Care FSA Funds

The deadline to spend your Flexible Spending Account health care funds is approaching. Some of these qualifying purchases may surprise you.

The Process for Purchasing a House With Cash

Last year, one Wise Bread writer and her husband purchased a property with cash. That's right — cash. Here's the process they went through.

5 Little Known Amazon Shopping Hacks

Amazon is famous for some great deals, but you might be missing out on these lesser-known, price-saving tricks that can save you even more.

9 Unexpected Expenses for Retirees — And How to Manage Them

Lots of things get cheaper as we age, but not everything. Be prepared for these unexpected retirement expenses.

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