Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Supermarket Shopping for Savers: 6 Ways to Avoid Their Tricky Traps

Going to the supermarket and sticking to a list is an exercise in discipline and requires fortitude and resilience of epic proportions. Employing tips like “don’t shop when you’re

5 Things Everyone Should Know About This Year's Tax Changes

Know this year's key updates so you don't miss any tax cuts or deductions.

25 Simple Recipes for 25 Delicious Veggies

Maybe your CSA box is overflowing, or maybe you're just mixing up your meal routine. Either way, find delicious preparations for your veggies right here.

13 Financial Gifts to Give Yourself This Holiday Season

Don't forget this very important person on your holiday gift list — you! How about one of these smart financial gifts?

6 Reasons Why Cash Is Still King

Learn the top reasons why cash is still king — even in the age of plastic.

9 Ways Restaurant Menus Are Designed to Make You Spend More

You'll never look at a restaurant menu the same way again.

10 Relationship Rules You Should Be Breaking

Rules are made for breaking — even in relationships. Ditch these old-fashioned mandates that may just be holding you back.

The 4 Best Investments for Lazy Investors

You really don't need a lot of money to get started investing. And you don't need a lot of time, either.

What Happens to Your Store Credit Card When the Store Closes?

The retailer behind your store-branded credit card just went kaput. What happens to your plastic — and your debt — now?

6 Ways to Drive a Hybrid or Electric Car on the Cheap

Ready to ditch your gas-guzzling days? Here's how to find a hybrid or electric car for super cheap.

Jobless Americans Paying Fees for Unemployment Benefits

It seems crazy, but it's true — by receiving funds on prepaid cards, unemployed citizens are forced to pay fees to access cash when they need it the most.

3 Terrible Things Foreclosure Does to Your Credit

A foreclosure stings, but you can rebuild. Here's what it will do to your credit, and the steps to take to get it back.

The 4 Jobs People Quit the Most

Unless you're looking for a high-stress job that you'll probably leave within a few months, you should steer clear of these.

How Much Should Your Kids Know About Your Finances?

I know of parents who don’t ever discuss money with their kids. “They should be carefree at this age,” they claim. Money isn’t an appropriate topic for family conversation at the

Real Estate Appraisals - Ten things most people just don't understand about them

The homeowner wants to make the sale. The broker wants to make the commission. The lender wants to make the loan. It'd be nice to see all these folks made happy, but first... th

Not too late to get your IRS stimulus rebate--if you qualify

A lot of taxpayers missed out on getting their IRS economic stimulus rebate last year, even though they qualified. If you're one of them, you'll be glad to know that there's a way

10 Places to Find Cheap, Good-Looking New Furniture

You don't have to dumpster dive or trawl Craigslist to find cheap chairs (or any other furniture). Shop these retailers and buy affordable NEW stuff instead.

Weird Money Facts: 5 True Cases of Unbelievable Inflation

A dollar doesn't seem go as far as it used to, does it? Compared to these cases of inflation truly run amok, the dollar is the Rock of Gibraltar!

5 Reasons Why Science Says It's Okay to Be Lazy

From biology to economics, scientists are discovering that sloth may be fundamental to our makeup. Settle a little deeper into your couch and learn why.

The 5 Best Coloring Pens

Add some sharp color to your pages with coloring pens. Just use any of these colored pens and your drawings will be vibrant and beautiful.