Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Ways to Save Money When You Can't Really Afford To

Saving money seems impossible when you're living paycheck to paycheck, but there's still a way to make it work.

Bar Stool Economics

Enjoy this lighthearted anecdotal story illustrating the North American tax system.

What You Actually Get When You Win Free Food for Life

Winning "free food for life" from your favorite restaurant isn't always what it seems.

These 5 Famous Animals Earned More Than You

Learning just how much money these celebrity animals make will both impress you and depress you.

7 Work-From-Home Jobs for People Who Hate Talking on the Phone

Love the idea of working from home, but hate the idea of talking on the phone? Don't worry. There are plenty of remote jobs out there for you.

What to Do If You Can't Pay Your Private Student Loan

Private student loan debt can be difficult to pay or renegotiate. Here's what to do when those loans become a real burden.

The Produce Worker's Guide to Choosing Fruits and Vegetables

Getting the most out of your fruits and vegetables starts at the store. Learn how to pick the freshest produce from someone who knows the tricks of the trade.

30 Handy Uses for Bobby Pins

Got a clogged drain, a locked door, a soiled knick-knack, a busted zipper? Release your inner MacGyver and reach for a bobby pin!

50 Ways to Update Your Wardrobe for Cheap

If you get creative with shopping strategies and fashion choices, it's easy to control your wardrobe spending. Follow these tips to start dressing for less!

6 Ways to Make Extra Money Using Social Media

How many social media platforms do you check in with every day (or every hour)? Turn your social media time sink into an extra income, instead.

The 5 Best Solar Power Banks

A solar powered charger, like one of these five best choices, can keep your gadgets topped up with juice as long as the sun shall shine.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Memory From 2018?

Tell us about your favorite memory from 2018 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Times You Should Demand a Raise

You want a raise, but when is it right to ask for one? Here are five times you've definitely earned a pay bump — and are likely to get it.

How to Make Sure You Don't Run Out of Money in Retirement

Investing in an annuity can be a little tricky. Having an annuity, however, is pretty wonderful.

Need to Sell Your House? Here's How to Let Go

Selling your home is more than just signing on a dotted line. You have to find emotional closure, too.

5 Ways Life Is Amazing With an 800 Credit Score

A credit score in the 700s is pretty good and the rewards are nice. But for those few who crack 800? The financial world is their oyster.

5 Jobs That Pay Over $50K and Don't Require a Bachelor's Degree

If the high cost of college is keeping you away, don't worry; you won't need a degree for one of these well-paying jobs.

6 Quick Ways to Retrain for a New Career

If your current gig isn't doing it for you anymore, you can retrain — quickly — for a new line of work.

The 5 Most Successful Investors You've Never Heard Of

Can you name an investor other than Warren Buffett or Peter Lynch? Drop these five names at your next investment club meeting.

10 Safe Cities to Visit in the U.S.

Looking for a safe travel destination that's not too far from home? There are several safe cities right here in the U.S. that you can visit.