Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What It Costs to Raise a Child

You probably already know (or, if you're not a parent, you've already guessed) that it costs a lot to raise a child. But just how much is "a lot"?

We Do the Math: Will an Electric Mower Trim Lawn Care Costs?

Should you get a gas lawn mower or electric? Let's weigh the financial pros and cons and see which offers the most value.

5 Common Medicare Myths, Debunked

Medicare is the largest health insurance program in the country. And it comes with plenty of easily-debunked myths.

Save Energy Costs by Cooking with a Hot Box

There are alternatives to using (and paying for) energy to cook your meals for the full allotted time. One of these alternatives is the use of a hot box. And you can fashion your o

7 Traps to Avoid With Your 401(k)

Your 401(k) is a powerful retirement savings tool, but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

What You Need to Know About Canceled Debt and Taxes

If you think debt forgiveness can make your financial liability disappear altogether, you're likely wrong.

7 Certifications That Add Big $$ to Your Salary

Expand your skills and education without stepping foot in a classroom. These seven certifications will help you score the big bucks!

How to Grocery Shop for Five on $100 a Week

Learn how to get a week's worth of groceries, toiletries, and household supplies for $100.

How I Scored Tons of Free Stuff By Building a Small Social Media Audience

You don't need a million followers to score tons of free goodies. Tweet faster!

How to Talk About a Previous Job in an Interview

Your interviewer asks the killer question: "How did you like your previous job?" Here's how to respond without blowing it.

9 Ways Work-At-Home Seniors Can Master Work-Life Balance

Working in retirement is all about keeping balance. Working from home is a great way to do that.

Ask the Readers: What New Thing Would You Like to Try This Year?

Tell us what new thing you would like to try this year and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 5 Best USB-Powered Fans

Keeping yourself and your computer cool in a stuffy work area isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these USB-powered fans and your work area will always be chill.

22 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

Most of us know that soda isn't good for us, but that doesn't mean we stop drinking it. Here are 22 financial, health, and other reasons to kick the habit.

3 Cheap and Easy Formulas for Homemade Windshield De-Icer (Plus Bonus Tips)

It’s that dreaded time of year. Each trip to town requires a 10-minute pre-start on my car, and the hated task of scraping my windshield. There are several options to help you wi

8 Seasonal Side Hustles That'll Cover Your Holiday Spending

The holidays are almost here! Feeling a cash crunch? These seasonal side hustles have your holiday spending covered.

The U.S. Savings Rate Has Tanked — Here's Why That Matters

The U.S. savings rate is the lowest since the Great Recession. Do you need to get your savings back on track?

The Pros and Cons of Paying Cash for a House

Just like any financial decision, there are pros and cons to paying cash for a house.

10 Ways to Decorate Your Christmas Tree for Under $30

Add these fun, frugal trimmings to your tree — without trimming your savings account.

5 Tricks to Making the Most of Your Reward Miles

You've racked up tons of reward miles. Learn how to make them take you further away than ever before.