Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

A Simple Plan for Saving Up a $2000 Fun Fund

Whether you're planning for a wedding, vacation, or down payment on a home, these money-saving tricks will have you socking it away this year!

Best Money Tips: The Lifehacks Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on lifehacks and productivity!

Guacamole, Wine, and 23 Other Surprisingly Refreshing Popsicle Recipes

Why settle for a fudgsicle when you can have a Sriracha-fudgsicle? Try that and a bunch more fun summertime popsicles.

The One Tool That Assures You Never Pay Too Much for Groceries

Don't just guess that an advertised price is a deal — track prices on frequent purchases over time so you know when a deal really is a deal.

Best Money Tips: Steps to Make Sure You Buy the Right House

Today we found some amazing articles on buying the right house, maximizing your dollar at Subway, and creating work/life balance when your kids return to school.

Want to Be Happier? Work These 7 Magic Words into Your Vocabulary

The words we say and think have a strong influence over our moods and emotions. Harness their power to gain (and spread) more happiness in your life.

High Tech Solutions For the Winter Blues

We share a few of our favorite tech-savvy ways to fight the winter blues.

The 5 Most Dangerous Things Hiding in Your Home Right Now

It's an unfortunate truth: home is where the accidents happen. Protect yourself and your family by uncovering these five hidden dangers.

6 Foods Scientifically Proven to Increase Your Lifespan

You can extend your stay on this mortal coil by adding these lifespan lengtheners to your diet. Bonus? They're delicious, too.

Welcome Janet Al-Saad, Wise Bread's New Senior Editor

Wise Bread is growing, and we're expanding our team to help bring our message of financial wisdom to an even larger audience. Help us welcome our new Senior Editor, Janet Al-Saad.

How to Get Free Publicity

It's not enough to provide a great product or service people want or need. For a business to succeed, it has to be noticed. Here are six free ways to get the word out.

5 Ways Newlyweds Screw Up Money Management

Marriage isn't just a joining of two people who love each other, it's also a joining of their finances. Avoid these mistakes to make sure you achieve fiscal bliss.

Can a Failed Marriage Lead to Business Failure?

Many happily married business owners avoid thinking about what happens to the firm if the marriage dissolves. But waiting 'til the end may mean parting ways with the company, too.

7 DIY Kitchen Skills That Will Save You Money

You can buy chicken already cut up, but you can do it yourself for way less money. Learn that and six other easy, money-saving kitchen skills.

Why Inflation Isn't as Bad as You Think

Worrying about something like inflation doesn't help make it better — plus, there might not be as much to fret about as you thought. Learn why.

It's NATURAL for me to spend as I do!

The new excuse for overspending: "Science made me do it!"

How to Save Money on College Applications

Everyone knows that college can be expensive — but just applying can be pricey as well. Learn how to cut down on costs.

Are You a Credit Invisible? Get Seen by Building Your Score

A credit history shows lenders what kind of borrower you are, and without one, you may as well be invisible. Start showing lenders who you are!

Open Wide: 5 Ways to Score Discount Dental Care

Are you one of the millions of Americans without dental insurance? These resources can help you score great dental care at a discount.

Best Money Tips: Saving Money on Childcare

Today we found some awesome articles on saving money on childcare, mistakes new college graduates should avoid, and saving at the movie theater.