Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

12 Smart Ways to Score Hamilton Tickets

The Broadway smash has finally hit the road, but scoring Hamilton tickets hasn't gotten any easier. Here's how to get yours.

The 8 Worst Home Sale Horror Stories

Buying or selling a house is rarely easy, but these eight home sales turned into actual home sale horror shows.

How Being Uninformed Costs You Money

Information is power. And without it, you're losing money.

Car Buying Part 1 - Going For Broker.

Skip the dealership. Have a licensed broker find you the exact car you want without spending a dime over budget.

How to Calculate the Value of Your Credit Card Rewards

Ever wonder what your credit card rewards are actually worth? Let's find out.

The 11 Craziest Elite Airline Perks

Most of us consider free snacks and extra legroom great airline extras. From private jets to Porsches, find out what the elite get instead of a bag of peanuts.

The SEP-IRA Is How the Self-Employed Do Retirement Like a BOSS

The self-employed aren't saving enough for retirement. Are you one of them? Time to start a SEP-IRA.

Why I Didn't Pay My Mortgage Off In Full

Getting out of credit card debt, paying off all student loans, and paying off their mortgage in full ASAP is the #1 goal of almost every personal finance blogger on the Wise Bread

Five quick and simple scams that could happen to you today

A US version of the UK show The Real Hustle has been trying out some very simple but effective cons on the American public, and they’re getting away with some serious money. Watch,

15 Delicious Dishes Made Better With Salsa

Jar of salsa quickly expiring in the refrigerator? Spice up your favorite dish with a dollop.

7 Ways to Pick the Bank That's Right for You

With so many banks — and credit unions! — vying for your business, it can be hard to choose. Here's how to find the bank that works for you.

36 Workouts You Can Do in Your Living Room While It's Cold Out

Yeah, it's cold outside, but that's no excuse to skip your workout. All you need is few feet of living room and the desire to get moving.

How to Keep a Personal Problem From Hurting Your Career

Everyone goes through a rough spot once in awhile. The key is making sure you don't bring your personal crisis into the office.

To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.

The struggle of the homemade gift — what's sure to please, and what's bound for the bin? We've got something that's sure to please; DIY infused vodka!

15 Free Ways to Spend Your Summer

Whether you're hitting the beach or the local library, you don't need a pocketful of cash to have fun this summer.

Avoid the Tax Season Rush With These Early Prep Steps

It's almost the year end! Do YOU know where all your tax paperwork is? Here's everything you need to find before the holidays arrive in full force.

Safeway Savings Rally - How I got 9 bags of groceries for $13

Right now Safeway is having an event called Savings Rally which lasts until February 26th. The deal is that you get a dollar off coupon for buying a number of items off a list of

Magazines for Free or Cheap

Follow our tips to be sure you get all your favorite magazine subscriptions for free or cheap.

The 5 Best Toaster Ovens

Whether you want to toast up some bread or do some counter-top cooking, a toaster oven is great tool for energy-efficient food preparation.

From Fine to Fabulous: 7 Ways to Improve Your eBay Business

Online auction site eBay has matured, but it's still a great way for savvy sellers to earn extra income. Take advantage of the site with these seven tips.