Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

50 Fun Things to Do When You're Stuck Inside During Winter

Snowed in or rained out — again? Stave off cabin fever with this collection of creative, fun, and frugal indoor activities.

Ask the Readers: Do You Have a Gym Membership?

Tell us whether you have a gym membership and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Don't Get Audited! How Your Side Gig Needs to Handle Taxes

The sharing economy has given us easy ways to make serious side cash. Just don't forget to set aside some for Uncle Sam!

10 Time-Management Fails — and How to Fix Them

You're never going to get more hours in the day, but with discipline, you can manage your time more efficiently.

5 Money Moves Every Single Parent Should Make

Raising a kid by yourself takes strength, resilience, and perhaps most importantly, a solid financial footing.

The 7 Best Ways to Earn Travel Points and Miles Without a Credit Card

Good news! There are several ways to rack up travel points and miles without the use of a credit card.

Make a List and Check It Twice to Save Money and Reduce Fraud Risk During the Holidays

This holiday season, take a page out of Santa's book and make a list and check it twice to save big bucks.

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Been Audited by the IRS?

Tell us whether you have ever been audited by the IRS and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Survive (and Thrive!) in a Job You Hate

There are a few people who manage to survive and thrive in jobs they really don't like. Here are a few of their secrets for making that hated job easier.

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Kitchen Essentials

Since we're all spending more time at home, it's important to have a well-stocked kitchen and helpful tools to make lots of delicious meals.

7 Ways to Make Money With Friends

Wish you could work with people you actually like? You can — just try one of these ideas for earning cash with your buds.

5 Countries With No (Or Very Low) Taxes

Heading to one of these countries with very low taxes could be the ticket to paying less in taxes.

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

30+ Cash Back Sites to Earn You Thousands Per Year

Cash back sites and apps let you save and even earn cash in unique ways. Try one of these sites on your next shopping trip!

30 Household Products Vinegar Can Replace

Vinegar has at least 30 uses that make it a viable alternative to many household and personal products. Save money — the natural way, with vinegar.

12 Genius Ways to Upcycle Old Scarves

Those old scarves in your closet can be put to fun new uses with a twist of creativity. Here are almost a dozen ideas to get you started.

Clams, Cheese, and Bread: Why We Call Money What We Do

Ever wonder why people call a dollar a "greenback" or a "buck?" Read on to learn the roots of those nicknames and more!

The 6 Absolute Worst Ways to Cash In Your Travel Points

Before you cash in your travel points on a whim, make sure you're getting the best value for them.

Ask The Readers: How Do You Buy Books?

Tell us how you buy books and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Money in Your Yard: How to Sell Palm Trees For Cash

Palm trees are ubiquitous in California and other states with a warm climate. Although they are beautiful trees, some homeowners find them to be a nuisance because they require rou