Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why I Love Lists

Need to get something done, feel productive, or just get focused? Make a list!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Goals for 2015?

Tell us about your goals for 2015 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Thrift Store Finds?

Tell us about your favorite thrift store finds and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Why invest in the stock market?

The conventional reason for investing in the stock market--perhaps offered with a bit less confidence now that we're in the midst of a stock market crash--is, "It offers higher ret

Best Money Tips: Traits that Multi-Millionaires Share

Today we found the traits that multi-millionaires share, over a hundred small ways to save big, and steps you can take to reduce food waste.

Building a Better Business

In the early days of your startup, try and do as much as you can for free. You’d be surprised at how easy it is to save money by thinking just a little creatively.

Retirement accounts and money to spend

Everybody knows that retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs offer great tax advantages (and once upon a time--and maybe again someday--a corporate match). But people who have p

How to Get More Sleep Without Spending More Time in Bed

Would you like to sleep better without spending more time in bed? The key to a more restful night is here!

The 5 Best Popsicle Molds

Store-bought popsicles are great, but the DIY versions are even better. Just use any of these popsicle molds and your summer treat game will be on point.

15 Things to Get Done Before Year-End

Start 2014 healthy, wealthy, and oh-so wise by doing these 15 things before the end of 2013.

How to Spend Less on Everything in 2014

Many of us probably resolved to "spend less" this year, but didn't give the "how" much thought. Here are five "how's" to get you started.

Thrive as a Starving Writer--Lessons from the Experts

The web is full of advice for starving writers. And why not? Any writer has heard the advice "Write what you know," and one thing many writers know is about being a starving writer

Best Money Tips: 5 Must-Haves for Personal Finance Success

Today we found articles on the essentials of personal finance success, ways to save on school and work lunches, and shopping tips for Kohl’s customers.

5 Ways to Get Junk Gone

The beginning of the new year always seems like a good time to get rid of things that you've been meaning to. But some junk you just can't get rid of on Freecyle or Craigslist. He

Slam Dunk Personal Finance Tips From the NBA

Few of us have the on-court talent to command an NBA salary, but we can still learn some money lessons from the world of pro players.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 11/3, 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: How to Make College Happen! Join our conversation with Sallie Mae for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #MakeCollegeHappen to participate!

How to Prevent Boomerang Kids From Ruining Your Retirement Budget

It's important to be there for your kids, but how much help is too much help? Consider these factors before settling on an old living arrangement.

Best Money Tips: Control Your Money, Control Your Mind

Today we found some awesome articles on controling your money and mind, splitting costs with your partner, and life truths you should live by.

6 Things Financial Aid Might Not Cover

It's that time of year when students and parents are figuring out how to pay for college. Find out what financial aid covers — and what it doesn't.

Best Money Tips: How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you how to get rid of those nasty bed bugs, why you should really unplug your computer at night, and how to make a c