Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Selling Your Groupon Coupons

If you've bought a Groupon or Living Social coupon but can't (or don't want to) use it, these sites will help you sell it to someone who wants it.

5 Unexpected Costs of Political Activism

Protesters are out in force right now. And while taking a stand is important in many ways, there are financial and personal risks to consider.

10 Investing Lessons You Must Teach Your Kids

Teach your children smart investing early, and you'll set them up for a lifetime of good financial decisions later.

The 5 Best Pieces of Financial Wisdom From Warren Buffett

If you're looking for timeless financial wisdom, then turn to the Oracle of Omaha himself. Start with these personal finance fundamentals.

25 Things to Do With Reusable Water Bottles

As reusable water bottles become more common, you may think you have too many. But these containers are useful for much more than just holding water.

Making Every Penny Count With A Zero-Based Budget

Feel like you're just living payday-to-payday? Having trouble figuring out where all your money goes? Then a zero-based budget just might be for you.

9 Easy Ways to Pay With Your Smartphone

There's no need to carry a stack of plastic or wad of cash everywhere you go. Make your money as mobile as you are!

Ask the Readers: What Are You Thankful For?

Tell us what you're thankful for and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Things Debt Collectors Don't Want You to Know

Debt collectors sometimes have a few sneaky tricks up their sleeve. Beat them to the punch by knowing your rights.

The Ethics of Free: Is it Wrong to Get Free Stuff?

The problem with free is that it doesn't mean something is really free. It just means that someone else has paid for the product or service instead of you.

7 Parenting Mistakes Everyone Makes But No One Talks About

Even great parents make mistakes. Rest assured you aren't alone in these seven common mom and dad mess-ups.

9 High-Paying Jobs That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago

Modern technology might have eliminated lots of jobs, but it also created some great high-paying careers, too.

5 Most Affordable Gym Memberships

These five gyms will let you work up a sweat without spending a fortune.

6 Tools That Can Help You Boost Your Credit Score This Year

Boosting your credit score takes time and patience, but there are plenty of tools and apps to help you along the way.

6 Moves You Should Make Now for Your 2018 Taxes

The end of the year is fast approaching. Take some time now to get your taxes in order and you'll thank yourself come April.

How the Fair Credit Reporting Act Protects You

The Fair Credit Reporting Act exists to protect you. Here's everything you need to know about it.

The Best Credit Cards With Airline Companion Tickets

Companion tickets are one of the best credit card perks available. Discover five great cards currently offering these tickets — and three not worth the trouble.

8 Ways to Keep Boredom from Destroying Your Budget

When there's nothing to do, it’s tempting to fill that void with something that costs money. Learn how to avoid those budget-busting boredom traps.

10 Summer Foods You Can Make in an Instant Pot

Don't heat up your kitchen this summer. Instead, rely on these summer staples you can make an in Instant Pot.

Save on Christmas Shopping With This Clever Gift Card Strategy

Christmas is just around the corner. Stretch your gift-giving dollars this season with discounted gift cards. You’ll wish you thought of it sooner!