Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Ways to Build Your Financial Self Esteem

Feeling down about money can keep us from taking smart financial steps. Go for these small wins and get back in the game.

4 Financial Reasons to Keep Your Political Views Private

These days, sharing political views is as easy as hitting "Enter." But the aftermath can be much greater than a heated debate.

Shopping at Whole Foods: 12 Smart Ways to Save

Yes, you really can shop at Whole Foods without spending your whole paycheck. Here's how to save on your next trip to the luxe nature foodmart.

Craigslist vs. eBay: Where to Sell 10 Common Items

Craigslist or eBay? It can be a difficult decision. Use this cheat sheet to figure out where to hock 10 of the most commonly sold items.

12 House-Hunting Red Flags You Can't Ignore

From strange smells to wacky wiring, you shouldn't ignore these house-hunting red flags. Read on for 10 more.

12 Ways You're Driving Your Coworkers Insane

Make work easier on you and your colleagues by avoiding these nasty, annoying habits at the office.

How I Grocery Shop

First, I will commit heresy by saying that I no longer write a full weekly menu.

These 15 Road Trip Snacks Make It All About the Journey

Are we there yet? Who cares when the car is filled with delicious — and healthy — snacks and treats like these!

11 Things Scientists Say Will Boost Your Happiness Today

From naps to sad movies, these common everyday activities really do make us happier — in ways science can measure. Try some and feel better!

Think Outside the Index When You Rebalance Your Investment Portfolio

If you are rebalancing your portfolio before the end of the year, make sure you are truly diversified.

Why People Go Crazy on Black Friday

From buying unplanned items to straight-up attacking other customers, people can go a little wild on Black Friday. Discover the reasons why.

6 Job Myths Boomers Should Stop Believing

Age is just a number. And if you're a baby boomer, you have to stop believing the myths that can keep you from great jobs later in life.

The High Cost of Pursuing Fame and Fortune

Who hasn't dreamed of achieving fame and fortune? Find out just how much of a long shot stardom really is.

4 Reasons Early Retirement Might Be Financially Risky

So many of us dream of early retirement, but it comes at a price — often your nest egg. Can you afford to stop working early?

4 Surprising Things Lenders Check Besides Your Credit Score

It's no secret your credit score is important. But when it comes to getting a home loan, it's not the only determining factor.

5 Surprising Ways Your Dog Can Save You Money

You can't put a price on the love and loyalty of a good dog… well, actually you can. Learn how having a dog can save you some real money.

How to Be a Superhero without Supernatural Abilities

A hero isn’t someone who wears a crimson cape. A hero is not someone who possesses super human strength. A hero is someone who consistently does amazing things over a lifetime.

These 6 Shopping Challenges Will Keep You Stylish Without Breaking Your Budget

If you've been stymied in your efforts to save money on clothes and accessories, make it easier by giving yourself a challenge.

How to Throw a Kid’s Birthday Party That’s Fun, Happily Memorable, and Not So Expensive

The most fun, memorable and least expensive birthday party for your child may be, figuratively and literately, right in your own backyard. I’ve attended and hosted fabulous but sim

Go, Tea, Go: The 10 Best Online Tea Merchants

Got tea on your mind? Check out the massive selection of everything tea at these online shops.