Even when you aren't applying for a credit card or loan, your credit score can be affected by a variety of actions — even forgetting to return your library books.
Whether you're ready for holiday shopping or SO not, the season of giving is upon us. Before you hit the stores, check out our guide to keeping your finances safe.
Protect your hands from needless burns when cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Use any of these oven mitts and pot holders and your hands will stay burn free.
RetailMeNot gadgets can smoothe your online bargain-hunting experience on Cyber Monday. Which will come in handy if you're trying to get your holiday shopping done before the b
I saw an article recently suggesting that neighbors share a garbage service. One neighbor hires the service, the other kicks in to cover half the bill, and both bring their stuff
Craigslist can be a great resource. But if well-publicized stories about scams and other dangerous activities have you worried, follow these tips to keep safe.
Marketers price their products at whatever the market will bear. But if one product is sold in two (or more) markets, one version is almost always cheaper.
Self-sufficiency is producing the actual stuff you use--your own food, your own clothes, etc. It's not a common lifestyle. Most people chose instead to follow the path of self-re
Paying off your debt isn't as FUN as playing beer pong, of course, but it's a much better way to think about it than your old wrinkly neighbor would have it.
How are you doing with your money? Do you have everything under control, or are you spending a little more than you should? Well, if you'd like to blow even more of your money, thi
With the average American family of four spending almost $4,000 per year on clothing, think of the money you can save by extending the life of your clothes and hanging onto them lo
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
How New Grads Can Protect Their Credit
As a new grad, you have a lot on your financial plate. Nothing is more important than protecting your credit.
10 Surprising Ways to Negatively Affect Your Credit Score
Even when you aren't applying for a credit card or loan, your credit score can be affected by a variety of actions — even forgetting to return your library books.
Everything New Parents Need to Know About College Savings
Diapers and formula aren't the only costs to consider when adding to your family. You'd better start thinking about college, too.
25 Tips for Smart (and Safe) Credit Card Use During the Holidays
Whether you're ready for holiday shopping or SO not, the season of giving is upon us. Before you hit the stores, check out our guide to keeping your finances safe.
The 5 Best Oven Mitts and Pot Holders
Protect your hands from needless burns when cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Use any of these oven mitts and pot holders and your hands will stay burn free.
On Cyber Monday, Don't Miss a Single Coupon Code
RetailMeNot gadgets can smoothe your online bargain-hunting experience on Cyber Monday. Which will come in handy if you're trying to get your holiday shopping done before the b
Why don't people share more?
I saw an article recently suggesting that neighbors share a garbage service. One neighbor hires the service, the other kicks in to cover half the bill, and both bring their stuff
How Paying Attention to Detail Saves Your Finances
One of the easiest ways to keep your finances on the up and up is to simply pay attention.
How Safe Is Craigslist?
Craigslist can be a great resource. But if well-publicized stories about scams and other dangerous activities have you worried, follow these tips to keep safe.
Market Clones: How to Pay Drastically Less for Pricey Products
Marketers price their products at whatever the market will bear. But if one product is sold in two (or more) markets, one version is almost always cheaper.
Are you an "Adult" Investor?
With the use of provocative phrases such as "hard sell," "sharp-rise," "capital injection," inflation," "surge" and "double-digit
Canada and U.S. Retirement Showdown: Which Offers More for Retirees?
In the spirit of friendly cross-border competition, Canada and the U.S. face-off on retirement. Which country offers the best deal for retirees?
18 Awesome, Practically Free Upcycled Craft Projects
One of the easiest ways to cut crafting costs is to source inexpensive supplies, and what could be cheaper than the recycling bin?
Self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and freedom
Self-sufficiency is producing the actual stuff you use--your own food, your own clothes, etc. It's not a common lifestyle. Most people chose instead to follow the path of self-re
3 Ways Paying Off Credit Cards Is Like Playing Beer Pong
Paying off your debt isn't as FUN as playing beer pong, of course, but it's a much better way to think about it than your old wrinkly neighbor would have it.
Make Guerrilla Job Hunting Work for You
Any job search can seem brutal and competitive. Here's how to stand out without going overboard.
Emergency Plan: Better Than an Emergency Fund
This is broader than just an Emergency Fund; it's an Emergency Plan.
47 Simple Ways To Waste Money
How are you doing with your money? Do you have everything under control, or are you spending a little more than you should? Well, if you'd like to blow even more of your money, thi
10 Ways to Get More Wear Out of Your Clothing
With the average American family of four spending almost $4,000 per year on clothing, think of the money you can save by extending the life of your clothes and hanging onto them lo
One Thing You Need to Do to Be Happy and Improve Your Relationships
Discover how one technique can help you move forward, joyfully.