Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Negotiate With Confidence and Strike the Best Deal

Intimated by the thought of negotiating? Frazzled by haggling? Here are some tips to help you relax, enjoy the process, and score better deals.

4 Countries Where You Can Live on $1,000 a Month

High rent costs and living expenses got you down? Living in any of these countries will set you back just $1,000 a month.

The Fastest Method to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Yes, you can get out of credit card debt — and faster than you think. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll chip away at that financial burden.

20 Ways to Live Large in a Small Space

Clutter piles up fast and eats up your square footage — especially if you live in a small space. Make the most of the space you have with these simple space makers.

6 Ways to Protect Yourself From a Lost Gift Card

A gift card is like cash — your bank won't replace what you lose. Save yourself some hassle (and your coffee order!) with some simple gift card security.

These 8 Modern Car Features Are Riskier Than You Think

Cars come with all the bells and whistles these days. Are they all really that safe?

20 Great Uses for a Bandana

From survival first aid to home decor, a colorful, inexpensive bandana is as versatile as it is cheap. Learn more about what a square of cotton cloth can do.

6 Surprising Ways a Houseplant Can Save You Money

A little greenery can go a long way! Add a houseplant or two, and you might be surprised at the savings.

Ask the Readers: Who Do You Go to For Money Advice?

Tell us who you go to for money advice and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Start Now: You Can Make These 23 Delicious Holiday Gifts

The early bird gets the worm, and also saves a ton of money by making delicious holiday treats!

10 Financial Perks of Marriage

Have you heard the stories about how finances are one of the leading causes of divorce? What are people arguing about? Being married actually has some pretty good financial perks!

The 5 Best Label Makers

Staying organized isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these label makers and your stuff will never get lost.

How to Resist These 4 Rationalizations to Spend Money

It can be easy to justify spending money on things you want. But there are ways to fight those urges, and protect your hard-earned money.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Valentine's Day?

Tell us how you save money on Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

3 Things You Should Know About Rental Car Insurance

Your rented set of wheels comes with a laundry list of optional insurance coverage. Should you take it?

How to Earn Extra Money Driving for Uber or Lyft

The sharing economy is disrupting business models and creating extra income for millions. Here's all you need to get your piece of the rideshare pie.

5 Spectacular Amusement Parks for Thrill Seekers

If a thrill is what you're seeking, and the standard Ferris wheel can't get you shrieking, then these five theme parks will leave you freaking.

How to Provide Proof of Onward Travel During an Open-Ended Trip Abroad

As a way to prevent tourists from overstaying their visas, many countries require that you can prove your intention to leave. Here's how to do it right.

4 Easy Ways to Start Saving for a Down Payment on a Home

Even the humblest of down payments will eat up a sizable savings account. How can you put together a down payment on a home that won't break you?

Is hunting/fishing a good way to feed your family?

As times get tougher, I have began to wonder how many people will turn to hunting and fishing as a means to provide food for their families. I don't think I have the stamina to tra