Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Thinking of Going on a Diet? Here's How to Figure Out Which One Is Right for You

Diets come in all sorts of flavors and varieties. Use this list to narrow your choices before you start narrowing your waistline.

Best Money Tips: Surprising Things You Can Rent

Today we found some stellar articles on surprising things you can rent, tricking your brain and building wealth, and strategies to retire early.

12 Easy Squash Recipes for Fall

What makes Fall the best season of all? The food! Turn your big Fall squash haul into these easy and delicious sides and mains.

Best Money Tips: Transform Your Finances With These Simple Habits

Today we found articles on simple habits that will transform your finances, kitchen cleaning DIYs, and cheap ways to make your house seem fancier.

Simple Recipes for a Frugal Vegetarian Thanksgiving

From a fondue appetizer to a pecan pie dessert, here's a frugal Thanksgiving feast that's good for wallet, body, and soul.

7 Personal Finance Tips for Animal Lovers

We love our pets — too much sometimes — and it can cost us plenty. Get smart about caring for Fido and keep him from tearing a hole in your budget.

5 More Everyday Words That Are Making You Look Stupid

Punch up your status by avoiding this collection of all-too-common words and phrases that make you look like a dunce.

Best Money Tips: Sustainable Frugality Tips

Today we found some great articles on sustainable frugality tips, healthy snacks that are cheaper to make at home, and a new obstacle to Amazon’s drone delivery.

Money Pitfalls of the Big Sale

You've just scored your first big sale — hurray! But that new sale might be less lucrative than you expected, or even put you deeper in the hole. Learn why.

5 Steps to a Landing Page That Converts Like Crazy

It's not enough to help visitors to find your e-commerce site. You have to help them to click the "buy" button, too.

6 Free Resources for Entrepreneurs to Watch and Learn

Watching videos online doesn't have to be a time waster.

Back in Debt? Here's How to Pay it Off for Good

After conquering debt, it's tough to find yourself back in the hole. Have faith! You can pay off your debt again — this time for good.

10 Examples of Great (Small) Investments for Small Business

Sometimes small investments lead to big returns.

5 Ways You May Be Wasting Money in Your Business

There are lots of ways to waste money. Here are five you may have overlooked.

4 Genuine Ways To Execute The Brand Promise

It's not enough to develop a brand promise. To be successful, your company has to live up to it.

Essential Tools to Maximize Cash Flow

Using the cash flow formula to determine your cash flow projection will help your business use this precious resource more effectively.

The $100 laptop...for sale to the public?

Fancy a brand new hand-cranked laptop for a few hundred bucks? Well, it may just happen. It seems plans are afoot to offer the $100 laptop for sale to the general public, and not just the poor children of the world. [more]

The Toyota I-Unit; would you drive it?

We've been talking a lot about gas prices recently. That's no surprise considering we're paying almost three times more for gas than we were six years ago. [more]

Best Money Tips: Unique Ways to Cut Wedding Costs

Today we found some fantastic articles on unique ways to cut wedding costs, beating the latest airline fees, and organizing your workday.

Best Money Tips: How to Stop Unsolicited Calls and Texts

Today we found articles on how to stop unsolicited calls and texts, things you can do outside of work to increase productivity, and cheap foods that are packed with protein.