Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What to Do if You've Signed Up for a Terrible Loan or Credit Card

Sometimes a loan or credit card doesn't work out to your favor. Is there any way out?

9 DIY Beauty Masks Made From Food

Have a skin-soothing DIY spa day right in the comfort of home. You already have all the ingredients right in your pantry!

Mental Accounting: Why You Blow Your Tax Refund but Not Your Raise

Learn why we treat some money differently from other money — and how to get a better overall grip on your finances.

6 Easy Ways to Get Free Travel

Travel doesn't have to be expensive, in fact, you can see the world for free if you know where to look.

5 Ways to Make Money With Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a service that allows people to hire several workers for tasks small and large. Discover how you can use the service to make extra money.

Can Too Many Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit Score?

You're responsible with your credit cards, but you sure have a lot of them. Is that a bad thing?

​How College Applicants Can Tour Scores of Campuses for $15 or Less

Real visits to potential alma maters can cost thousands. With the miracle of VR, you can get the feel for a far off campus for way, way less.

Losing Your Nest Egg Could Kill You: Here's How to Prevent It

They say if you don't have money, "At least you have your health." New research shows that you can't have one without the other.

20 Great, Free Gift Ideas

You don't need money to give great gifts — instead, give the gift of your time with one of these awesome coupon ideas.

Everything You Need to Know About Frequent Flyer Miles

If you're lost in the confusing world of frequent flyer programs, Find your way with this simple guide to accumulation, management, and redemption.

Ask the Readers: How Are Your Financial Goals Coming Along?

Tell us about how your financial goals are coming along and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

6 Money Lessons I Learned Working as a Corn Detasseler

Never underestimate the money lessons a summer job can teach — even in the corn field!

12 Frugal New Twists on Classic Lemonade

Lemonade is pretty great all on its own, especially during summer. Make it even better with some tasty new twists you simply must try.

Pay with a Selfie: How Safe Are the New Ways to Pay?

Smile! You just paid with a selfie. How safe are these trendy new ways to spend, anyway?

7 Roadblocks to Retirement (And How to Clear Them)

Looking forward to the day when you can stop working and start living the easy life? If you're not careful with your money, that day may never come.

What to Do When a Creditor Sues

When a creditor takes you to court your best defense is preparation.

12 Cute Ways to Upcycle Shoeboxes

Don't just drop those old shoeboxes in the recycle bin. From dirt cheap toys to trendy storage — your old shoeboxes can do so much more.

Original Ways to Use Original Dawn

I love to use household products in various unique ways, so I was thrilled to learn about some new-to-me hacks for the

Fitness Resolutions: How Much Will Your New Exercise Routine Cost?

If you're like many Americans, you made a resolution to get fit this year. Here's how much it'll cost with some popular workouts.

Networking Basics for Regular People

Competition for jobs is fierce but networking is one way of differentiating yourself as a stellar candidate. Here are tips on networking basics as well as ideas on how to avoid see