Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Unexpected Uses for Avocados

Ah, the magical, multi-purpose avocado. They're good for so much more than guacamole!

15 Cheap Things to Do Before the Summer Is Gone

Don't be sad that summer is almost over — take advantage of what's left! Perk up with these 15 fun, frugal things to do before the warm weather runs out.

10 Keys to Great Management, learned from an inner-city mission worker

When my family and I volunteered at an inner-city agency, I thought I would learn about showing compassion, embracing diversity, and being grateful. The last thing I thought I woul

Canadians are Getting Fleeced by Their Own Dollar

The buck stops here. For the first time in over three decades, the Canadian Dollar has surpassed the U.S. Dollar. And by the end of this year, predictions are that

Finding the Right Job: There’s Plenty of Phish in the Sea

My husband and I are no strangers to the job hunt scene. Before he was even out of college, we were scouring the newspapers, searching the onli

Book review: Supercapitalism

For most of the 20th century, capitalism and democracy seemed to go hand-in-hand. After all, every democratic country was largely capitalist and nearly every capitalist country wa

The one site you must visit before buying anything online. Period.

Friends, deal hounds, bargain hunters, lend me your ears; if ye don't know about the best coupon site on the web, bar none, then this will indeed be a most glorious day for the

Ask the Readers: What's the Best Gift to Give a College Graduate?

Tell us what you think the best gift to give a college graduate is and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 5 Best Vacuum Sealers

Keeping your food fresh isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these vacuum sealers and keep your food as fresh as can be.

Book review: The Adventures of Johnny Bunko

Do you need a career guide? And, if so, do you need one written as manga? It almost doesn't matter--Daniel H. Pink has written one, and it's got enough good lessons packed into a

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in August

Hard to believe summer is almost gone — almost as hard to believe as the deals you can find on lawn and garden supplies and LCD TVs.

8 Spectacular Uses for that Lone Can of Fruit

It doesn’t matter what it is: plums, fruit cocktail, or an awkward can of cranberries – it can sit there for years if not put to a creative use. When pennies must be pinched, the

How to Minimize the Cost of Living When Moving: The Cost of Living Myth

Cost of living is an important consideration when moving to a new location. Nevertheless, there are many false assumptions regarding the cost of living differences.

Gifts For Grads

Around springtime last year, as my niece’s university graduation date loomed, I picked out (but waited to buy) what I thought would be an ideal gift: a watch with her alma mater’s

How to Recycle your Clothes, Shoes, Electronics, and More

We have so much STUFF. Cell phones that don’t work any more. Batteries that won’t charge any more. Shoes that have holes in them. The list goes on. We don’t want to throw this old

29 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happier This Year

You really can be happier this year, thanks to these scientifically proven tricks.

I.O.U.S.A. the Movie - A Review One Year Later

I.O.U.S.A. is a documentary film released in late 2008 by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation that focuses on the national debt of the United States. I finally watched it this weeken

You Are Lying to Yourself About Your Money

Most of us agree that other people fail at personal finance, but we think our own finances are fine. That's the first of many lies we tell about our money.

How to Attend a Wedding for Cheap (Without Actually Looking Cheap)

Even simply attending a wedding these days is expensive. Trim the cost without insulting your hosts with these simple expense-savers.

Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Sleep Better

Today, we share tips to help you get a good night's sleep, make room in your fridge for all the a holiday cooking, avoid the pitfalls of online holiday shopping, and more!