Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Stop Losing Your Stuff With These 6 Simple Tricks

Tired of misplacing your keys around the house? Get smart about how you store and use your stuff, and everything lost is always found.

What Small Business Owners Can Learn From Top Forbes Entrepreneurs

No road to success is the same, but here are some great lessons from top Forbes entrepreneurs.

7 Common Travel Myths That People Need to Stop Believing

You've always wanted to travel more, but you worry about the cost or the risks or the inconvenience. Good news -- your worries are probably unfounded.

Choose the Best Travel Rewards Credit Card with this Guide

Choosing the right travel rewards credit card doesn't have to be complicated. Here's a simple guide to get you on the right track.

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

10 Things to Know Before You Start a Home Improvement Project

Don't take a hammer to that wall you want to tear down until you consider these things first.

8 Quotes to Inspire Your Dream Career

If your current pays-the-bills job isn't your dream career, this collection of wisdom just might give you the push you need to find more joyful work.

14 Awesome Credit Card Perks You Didn't Know About

Make sure you read the fine print on your credit card member agreement. You may be getting more than you bargained for — in a good way.

15 Alternative Uses for Nail Polish

Nail polish makes fingers and toes pop with brilliant color — but it can also do a whole lot more. Discover the many uses for the product in those tiny bottles.

How to Make Money as a Superfan

Being a superfan can be kind of costly. Flip your fandom on its head and make it a cash source, instead!

4 Affordable Destinations That Are Safer Than You Think

These four international destinations have dark reputations, but these days they're relatively safe, and absolutely affordable.

Everything You Need to Know About Flood Insurance

When it rains, it pours — and when it does, that flood insurance you've hated paying for will seem like a pretty smart investment.

10 Ways to Repair a Burned Bridge

We've all ended a work or personal relationship badly. Mend a broken connection and you'll regain a valued friend or a colleague -- forever this time.

Ask These 5 Questions Before Deciding On a Financial Advisor

Before trusting your finances to any old somebody, you need to carefully vet potential advisers. These basic questions will get you started.

Best Money Tips: 30 Habits, Qualities, and Secrets That Lead to Success

Today we found articles on the habits and qualities that lead you to success, tips for driving on snowy roads, and ways to explore a new city on the cheap.

15 Frugal Ways to Battle Boredom

The next time you're listless, grumpy, or just plain bored, follow these suggestions to spend your time, rather than spending money.

6 Ways New Grads Can Save on Moving Costs

Forget bribing your friends with pizza. These apps and services take a bite out of the cost and hassle of moving.

Once Bitten Twice Shy: What is Credit Security Worth to You?

If you have had your identity stolen, you're prepared to bring out the big guns to protect it. Even if you haven't been once bitten, you may be shy. Here are some (arguable but eff

The Surprising Truth of Investing: Mediocre Advice Is Best

While you might wish for superior investing advice, it turns out mediocre advice is really all you need.

10 Things You Already Own That Can Be Turned Into a Tote Bag

You can always use an extra tote bag, and it turns out you can make one out of several items that are already in your house!