Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Easy Way Teachers Can Earn Passive Income

Teachers do a noble job for a less-than-noble salary. Educators everywhere can earn passive income just by sharing the tools they use.

5 Ways to Make Adoption Affordable

The road to starting a family isn't always direct — or easy to pay for. Make adoption more affordable with grants, tax credits, and creativity.

What You Need to Know About Working While Collecting Social Security

Many people look forward to drawing Social Security benefits while still working and drawing a paycheck. Of course, there's a catch.

How to Effectively Complain to the Manager

There's more to complaining that just voicing your concerns. Learn how you can effectively complain to the manager and get results.

Reusable Gift Wrapping: The Wrap That Keeps on Giving

Why pay for something that will only be used once and then becomes garbage? Try one of these awesome, reusable wrapping methods instead.

We're Giving Away $600 for the Holidays!

We've teamed up with several other Personal Finance bloggers to give away $600 in prizes!

Our Obsession to Clean is Making Us Trashy

I hate to clean just as much as the next person, so many of the new products on the market can be helpful to my daily routine. Others, however,

Instructables for the Extreme Cheap Lifestyle

Are you a super cheapskate with an affinity for making everything yourself? Here are some Instructables that will tickle your fancy! Learn to furnish your home, gather food, and

Why Is the Cell Phone Industry So Screwed Up?

From patent wars to fierce competition among carriers, it can seem like the cell phone industry is in constant turmoil — and consumers are paying the price.

How to Find Really Free Freebies

Everybody loves free stuff, provided it's actually at no cost to you. Finding it can be a challenge, however. We hook you up with a few great resources.

The Presenter’s Paradox: Why Less Really Is More

Whether you're getting something for free from a company or giving your significant other a gift, discover how our minds assign less value to more stuff.

Money Management Lessons: Not Quite 10 Years to Life

I thank my lucky stars (and the patience of my husband) that it didn’t take me quite 10 years to get a handle on my financial situation. At 29, I’m hardly what you would consider

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save on Wine

Today we found some great articles on ways to save on wine, career strategies of high earners, and things you can do to live a happier life.

Are You Wasting $300,000 on Lunch?

If you're dropping dollars on takeout lunches every day, you just might be eating your retirement.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Sell Your Car

Think you're ready to bid a fond farewell to your hoopty? Hang on — make sure you know what you're selling — and what you're buying.

Ask the Readers: If You Could Retire Today — Would You?

Tell us if you would be willing to retire today and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A Superior Life: What You Put In Is What You Get Out

Whether it be the amount of business ideas you start, the sports you play, the languages you learn or the people you date, it is not a good idea to bite off more than you can chew.

Two More Crafty Ways to Steal From You - GPS Units and Cell Phones.

I got another one of those emails recently, from my mother-in-law this time. As usual, I began reading with skepticism and was ready to take it all with another monstrous grain of

How To Get A Customer Service Phone Number, Fast!

What do you do when you can't find a company's customer service info? You can do an online search for the phone number, or you can keep two handy sites bookmarked.

7 Ways to Help Your Parents Save Money

Help your parents enjoy their golden years without spending a fortune yourself.