Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Reasons Your Home Isn't Selling

If your house for sale is floating in market limbo, it might be time to examine these potential reasons why it's not selling.

Don't Panic! How to Meet a Deadline

You can't cheat time; and hair pulling, sweating, and crying won't get it done, either. But you can meet a tight deadline with one or more of these tips.

Throw an Awesome Potluck Dinner With These 6 Easy Tricks

You don't have to break the bank to throw an awesome dinner party. Throw the ultimate potluck by staying organized and minding your spend.

5 Money Moves to Make When It's Too Hot to Go Outside

Too hot to do anything productive? Think again! Give some of these summer money moves a try.

16 Time and Money Saving Apps for Freelancers

Starting a freelance career is daunting, but this collection of apps and online services will take the fear out of invoicing, file storage, and a lot more!

Should You Buy a Car With a Credit Card?

With the right strategy, financing your new ride with plastic can be a smart money move.

Does Skill Really Matter in Stock Market Investing?

Some claim a successful investment portfolio is pure luck. Others say it's skill. Which is it?

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Resolutions for 2014?

Tell us about your 2014 resolutions and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Save Over $100 a Year by Shaving with a Cutthroat Razor

I despise paying the ridiculous prices Gillette and the like charge for razor cartridges. It seems as though the prices are directly aligned with the number of extra blades they pu

How to Buy Art as Gifts

Beautiful, original pieces of art make for excellent gifts, and they don't have to be expensive. Learn how to find the right one for your loved one at a price you can afford.

How to Apply to Lots of Colleges Without Going Broke

Applying to college can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be! Here's how to do it on the cheap.

I'm Fleeing The Country For Healthcare!

It’s all the buzz lately as healthcare costs rise, and especially after Michael Moore’s SICKO caught the attention of the masses. Those of us not living in places where everyone

Will A Dental Discount Plan Save You Money?

Those of us without traditional dental insurance may have been tempted to buy a dental “discount” plan. On paper, it looks good. In practicality, it could save you some, or more

10 Difficult Jobs That Are Worth the Effort

The hours are long, the work is hard, and in some cases, the pay is low. Find out why these demanding jobs are worth your while.

10 Jobs That Robots Can't Do, Yet

It seems like every day, robots take over more jobs. But for now, these career fields are safe.

How to Get a Refund When Something Is Non-Refundable

The terms "non-refundable" and "non-returnable" make too many people avoid customer service. But with these tips, you can get results.

The 6 Monthly Telecom Bills You Can Negotiate

Tired of being gouged by your Internet, cable, or wireless provider? Pick up the phone!

How Much Should You Have Saved for Retirement by 30? 40? 50?

You know you should be saving for retirement — and saving a lot. Betcha' didn't know you needed to save this much!

Ask the Readers: What Aspect of Personal Finance Do You Want to Learn More About?

Tell us what aspects of personal finance you'd like to learn more about and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

You Can’t Save if You Don’t Try

There has been much discussion about whether certain money-saving strategies are worth your time. In a recent article in Parade Magazine, Tim Harford alerts us to “Bargains That A