Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Apple introduces most outrageous “rewards” program in history

I love Apple as a brand. It makes great products, it has tremendous loyalty, but could I go as far as to tattoo the famous Apple logo on my body to get a lifetime discount? Well, t

Here's How Your Credit Score Affects Your Job Search

Can a low FICO score damage your shot at your dream job? Yes and no. Learn what a potential boss can see in your credit report.

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Eat Fast Food?

Tell us how often you eat fast food and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What's Your Credit Card Spending Style?

Whether you're a credit pro or a plastic-card newbie, understanding your card use can help you have a better relationship with your money.

Ask the Readers: What Personal Finance Apps Do You Use?

Tell us about the personal finance apps that you use and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Starting a New Job: 3 Rules to Live By

Make the transition to a new job easier by following these tips.

To Shred or Not to Shred: How Long to Keep Your Tax Records

When it comes to your tax records, it can pay to be a hoarder. But how long is too long to hold on to "important" papers?

Open a beer bottle with a sheet of paper

A friend sent me this link, knowing full well I'll never, ever need it (I carry a bottle opener on my keyring in case of such emergencies). [more]

Mutual Funds for Wise Bloggers

I know that Wise Bloggers are smart readers, so you might already know everything there is to know about mutual funds. However I have come across many very smart people who don't a

I'm Eating What? 12 Gross Things in Your Food

You are what you eat. Vitamins, minerals, protein, fat… and bugs, breast implants, and viruses. Wait, what? Discover what's really in your food.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Tips for a Frugal Valentine's Day?

Tell us your tips for a frugal Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Reasons Librarian Is Still a Great Career Choice

Somehow libraries are still relevant decades into the Internet-age. If you're looking for a future-proof career, start thinking dusty old tomes.

You Won't Believe How Much These 10 Rare Coins Are Worth

Check your couch and your piggy bank, and if you find any of these super pricey coins, don't waste them on a pack of gum!

10 Ways to Make Meeting New People Fun and Easy

Meeting new people can be nerve-wracking. Get social with confidence with some surefire ice-breakers and meet and greet basics.

The 5 Best Office Highlighters

When you need a piece of text to stand out, you need the right highlighter. Just use any of these office highlighters and your important words will get the attention they need.

The 5 Best Ways to Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Workday

If you don't do morning right, chances are the rest of the day is shot, too. Set aside 10 minutes early to set the stage for a productive day.

11 Ways to Update Peanut Butter and Jelly

PB&J is quick, easy, and delicious. But even the most ardent peanut-butter-and-jelly lovers can get bored by eating the same three ingredients.

12 More Things People Who Make a Lot of Money Do

It turns out that high earners share a lot of habits that help them succeed. How many of these habits are yours?

10 Times You Should Speak Up at Work

It's great to be a team player, but you have to know when going along to get along is harmful to the company — and to your career.

7 Monthly Expenses We Don't Realize We Don't Need

When you put together a frugal budget, you are usually careful to make sure you're not spending money where you don't need to. But are you getting rai